Ervance 'Havefun' Dwiputra
Ervance ‘Havefun’ Dwiputra, born in 1994, is an artist and independent designer who lives and works in Yogyakarta. He is a founder and member of GILA (Giginyala) community, a group of Yogyakarta’s young artists that actively organise collective exhibitions. Dwiputra is also founder of a design studio and hand lettering community, Havefun Incorporation, later expanded with a tattoo studio. Moreover, he is a member of artist-run space SURVIVE! Garage, of Ketjil Bergerak – a youth-led community focusing on education, art, social, and culture – and of art community WASH (Weekly Art Sharing).
The everyday exploitation of orangutans is a pressing issue, especially in their ‘home country’ Indonesia, and one with many sides to it. One is the establishment of mining fields and palm oil plantations, for which large scale deforestation is happening – and with it, mass killings of orangutans. Moreover, there is a lot of illegal trading in orangutans, and they are abused as circus animals or as ‘objects’ to be photographed.
The core of these problems, Dwiputra feels, stems from society itself. One part is education – there is a lack of information about and attention given to the cause of the orangutan. Moreover, if people continue to use certain products like palm oil, they are contributing to the problem. Dwiputra feels that it is everyone’s responsibility to become aware of this issue and inform others. The option is in our hands and thereby the quote of his work on the Pentagonal Icositetrahedron: ‘Save or Delete’.