About the part that art plays in a globalising society

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Portret Catherine Walsh

Catherine Walsh

Catherine Walsh is a Senior Professor and Director of the Latin American Cultural Studies Doctoral Program at the Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar in Quito. Catherine Walsh also directs the Fondo Documental Afro-Andino, a project dedicated to the recuperation of knowledge in Afro-Ecuadorian communities, and the Intercultural Workshop on Indigenous and Afro voices of the Americas. She has been an invited professor and scholar throughout the Americas. Her current research interests include the geopolitics of knowledge, decolonial thought and pedagogies, interculturality, and the political-epistemic force of present day Afro Andean and Indigenous movements, including with regard to the re-founding of State.

Her recent publications include, among others, Interculturalidad, Estado, Sociedad: Luchas (de)coloniales de nuestra epoca (Quito: Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar/Abya Yala, 2009); “The (De)Coloniality of Knowledge, Life, and Nature: The N.A.-Andean FTA, Indigenous Movements, and Regional Alternatives,” in Shefner and Fernandez-Kelley (eds). Alternative Perspectives on Globalization: Status, Regions, and Movements, Pennsylvania State University Press, in press; “(Post)Coloniality in Ecuador: The Indigenous Movement’s Practices and Politics of (Re)signification and Decolonization,” in Moraña, Dussel, and Jauregui (eds.), Coloniality at Large: The Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate, Durham: Duke University Press, 2008; “Shifting the Geopolitics of Critical Knowledge: Decolonial Thought and Cultural Studies “Others” in the Andes”, Cultural Studies, 21, 2-3, 2007; and “Afro-Andean Thought and Diasporic Ancestrality (with E. Leon), in Shifting the Geography of Reason: Gender, Science and Religion, Marina Banchetti and Clevis Headley (eds.), London: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007


Decolonial Summer School: Celebrating 15 Years of the Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School
Events hosted by leading experts in the field of decolonial thinking at Framer Framed (Amsterdam) and Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven)