Aude Christel Mgba
Aude Christel Mgba is an independent curator and art historian based between the Netherlands and Cameroon. She was a participant of the De Appel 2018/19 curatorial Program. In 2017, Aude worked as an assistant curator for the SUD2017, an international triennial of art in the public space, organized by doual’art, a center for contemporary art, for the city of Douala. She is a member of the Madrassa Collective, a group of eight curators from Africa, Middle East and Europe. She is co-curator of sonsbeek20->24 exhibition, an international exhibition in the city of Arnhem under the Artistic direction of Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung. Aude is a nominee of the fifth edition 2020-2021 of Forecast-Mentorships for Audacious Minds in Berlin; Her project proposal is mentored by Koyo Kouoh. She is also invited curator to ARTEZ Studium Generale Studies on the Future of Art School from September 2020 until February 2021.