Ali T. As’ad
Ali T. As’ad is a multidisciplinary researcher, writer, curator, educator, and architect based in Amsterdam. He is working towards his PhD in Architecture History and Theory, in which he examines the praxis of Palestinian exhibition making and museum practices as part of a broader investigation of the incongruity between the political space of the state and the cultural space of the nation in the twenty-first-century condition.
His practice in design, research, and education has included collaborations with academic, cultural institutions and architectural practices across Egypt, India, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Netherlands, Turkey, the U.K., and the U.S.
Ali T. As’ad was appointed Editor-in-chief of the MAKAN Journal of Culture & Space in 2023, a trilingual print publication that critically engages with contemporary architectural and urban conditions, as well as broader scholarship emanating from or focused on, exploring the SWANA region.