Amsterdam Noord / Chile / Diaspora / Feminism / Shared Heritage / Molenwijk / Workshop /
Connection and resistance through textile at Werkplaats Molenwijk
Museology / Community & Learning / Innovative heritage /
Innovative heritage / Museology /
Symposium: Ecomuseums 2012
Global Art History /
Van arrogantie naar gezamenlijkheid, door Rob Perrée
Global Art History /
Lecture: World art and global art. A new challenge to art history by Hans Belting
Museology /
Book Launch: The Disruptive Museum
Museology /
Contemporary Art in Ethnographic Museums
Iran /
Article: De lastige positie van de Iraanse kunstenaar
Global Art History /
Publication: Global Studies. Mapping Contemporary Art and Culture
Museology /
Book Launch: 24 European Ethnographic Museums
Caribbean / Colonial history /