Amsterdam Noord / Book Launch / Colombia / Food / Molenwijk / Workshop /
Report: Proyecto Cocuyo coffee tasting workshop and book presentation at Werkplaats Molenwijk
Feminism / Caribbean / Diaspora / Photography / Queer /
Feminism /
Reflection: Filthy Mouth, Dirty Politics: Language, Gender and Digital Spaces
Colonial history / Curatorial Text /
Article: Towards a decolonial curatorial practice, by Chandra Frank
Global Art History /
Exhibition: Global Imaginations
Museology / Global Art History /
Article: Globalisation in Dutch Art Centres, by Vincent van Velsen
Education / Middle East /
Irbid Exchange - A digital exchange project between the Netherlands and Jordan
Iran / Middle East /
Interview: Elham Puriya Mehr about the exhibition 'Crisis of History'
Amsterdam Noord / Curatorial Text / Migration /
Curatorial statement: Curators about Voice-over Noord
Oral History /
Report: Oral History in the Jewish Historical Museum