Amsterdam Noord / Chile / Diaspora / Feminism / Shared Heritage / Molenwijk / Workshop /
Connection and resistance through textile at Werkplaats Molenwijk
Photography / Colonial history /
Museology /
Symposium: Atlas Versus the Cherry Tree - Museums, the Nation, and the World
Migration / Global Art History /
Symposium: Art Across Frontiers. Cross-Cultural Encounters in America
Migration /
Symposium: SHIFT, Dialogues of Migration in Contemporary Art
Contested Heritage / Museology /
Symposium: Indigenous Peoples and Museums, Unraveling the Tensions
Global Art History /
Symposium: Islamic Art in Contemporary Context
Exhibition: Thami Mnyele Foundation - 20 years
![Fotografie: Anoek Steketee](https://framerframed.nl/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Anoek-Steketee.jpeg)
Colonial history / Collection development / Museology /
Symposium: Colonial Nostalgia
Museology /
Symposium: Museums and Exhibitions as Materialisation of Knowledge Orders
Contemporary Aboriginal art /