The living archive / Contested Heritage / Palestine / Podcast /
Podcast: RIWAQ - Safeguarding Heritage in Times of Destruction
South Africa / Colonial history /
Contested Heritage / Collectives / South Africa /
Interview with the Burning Museum Collective
Art economy /
Advice Dutch Culture Council: Framer Framed in BIS subsidy plan 2017-2020
South Africa / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /
Interview with Judith Westerveld about her work 'The Remnant'
Curatorial Text / Global Art History /
In gesprek met Mirjam Westen en Josien Pieterse over de tentoonstelling 'What We Have Overlooked'
Migration /
Review: exhibition Voices Outside the Echo Chamber (Dutch)
Colonial history / Museology /
Symposium: Decolonize The Museum
Extractivism /
Interview: Artist Hadassah Emmerich
Extractivism / Curatorial Text /
Curatorial statement: Lene ter Haar on the exhibition Koempels
Community & Learning /