About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed




Exhibition: Past Disquiet

Curated by Kristine Khouri and Rasha Salti, this documentary and archival exhibition uncovers a largely forgotten history of politically engaged artists and initiatives


Guided Tour: Past Disquiet

Curator Rasha Salti leads a tour of the exhibition that highlights the connection between cultural practice and political action

Printmaking workshop: Past Disquiet

Lino cutting and screen printing workshops led by changing artists and initiatives, as part of the exhibition Past Disquiet
Workshop: 100 Butterflies for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Girls, and Non-Binary People
Textile workshop on embroidery and crafts as a means of feminist resistance in the context of International Women's Day
From Archives to Exhibition Scenography: Notes on Past Disquiet
The event focuses on the history and design Past Disquiet, which has been travelling the world since its first edition in 2015
Opening: Past Disquiet
Opening of the exhibition Past Disquiet with an introduction by curator Rasha Salti and a performance by protest song choir Verzet per Couplet
Exhibition: Past Disquiet
Curated by Kristine Khouri and Rasha Salti, this documentary and archival exhibition uncovers a largely forgotten history of politically engaged artists and initiatives
Symposium: Revisiting the Past, Shaping the Future - learning from Salvador Allende
Lessons from Chile's Former President Allende and International Solidarity Movements