Publication: Marcel Pinas, Artist more than an artist
Marcel Pinas. Artist, more than an artist is a beautiful monograph on this talented and ambitious artist, who in 2010 was honoured as Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in Geneva.
This book is both an authentic document and a beautiful art book of a highly personal signature, with text contributions by Rob Perrée, Alex van Stipriaan and Christopher Crozier.
Artist Marcel Pinas (Suriname, 1971) is giving the endangered culture of Marowijne, his native region, a second life. He does this through his drawings, paintings, sculptures and installations, but also by creating all kinds of facilities in Marowijne – including a training institute, a museum, an artist in residence – that offer young people a chance for their own creative development. It is this aspect of being an artist that makes him more than a good artist; this aspect makes him an exceptional artist.
Caribbean /

Alex van Stipriaan