Rachel Rakes
Rachael Rakes is a curator and writer from the U.S. and living in the Netherlands and Greece. She was recently the Artistic Director of the 12th Seoul Mediacity Biennale, 2023, THIS, TOO, IS A MAP; Curator of Public Practice at BAK basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht; and Head Curator and Manager of the Curatorial Programme at De Appel in Amsterdam. Currently she is a selection committee member for the New York Film Festival, Editor at Large for Verso Books, a Contributing Editor for INFRASONICA, and a Committee Member of the New York Film Festival. With artists Laura Huertas Millán and Onyeka Igwe, she organizes the research initiative on alternative ethnographies Counter-Encounters, which has been presented at Tate Modern, Stedelijk Museum, Centre Pompidou, and elsewhere. Rakes has organized dozens of exhibitions and programs internationally and teaches for Zine Eskola, Sandberg Institute, Leiden University, KASK, The New School, and Harvard University. Among other publications and journals, she is the editor of Toward the Not-Yet (2022, BAK/MIT Press) and Practice Space (2020, NAME/De Appel) and frequently publishes criticism and essays on art, media, and politics.