About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Simon Njami

Simon Njami

Simon Njami is an independent curator, writer and art critic. Njami is also the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Paris magazine Revue Noire. He has been the artistic director of the Bamako Photography Biennale since 2001, and was the first curator (with Fernando Alvim) of the Africa pavilion at the 52nd Biennial of Venice (2007). Additionally, he was the curator of the 12th and 13th Edition of the Dak’Art Biennale in the years 2016 and 2017.

Njami received his M.A. in Art History and Philosophy and a Ph.D. in Law and Modern Literature. He has curated various exhibitions of African art and photography, such as Africa Remix. The Contemporary Art of a Continent (2004-2007) and the first African Art Fair, held in Johannesburg in 2008. In 2009, Njami was a guest speaker for the presentation Collecting Without Borders and debate The Slated View at Framer Framed. In 2010 Njami was involved as a co-curator of the SUD2010 project in Doulala (Cameroon) and curated the exhibition A Useful Dream. African Photography 1960-2010 at the Center for Fine Arts in Brussels (Belgium).


The Slanted View
On the practice of art criticism and the criteria of evaluation used by Dutch art institutions.
Collecting without Borders
Ethnographic, historical and art museums in dialogue on collecting and presenting global art.
