About the part that art plays in a globalising society

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Wong Ka Ying Wong Ka Ying

Wong Ka Ying

Wong Ka Ying (b. 1990) is an artist and writer based in Hong Kong. She received her BFA degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013 and will obtain her M.Phil. Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2020. A keen observer of the art community and society, Wong critically reflects on the various social, cultural, and gender issues today through using a wide range of media, from polaroid photography, collage, screen printing, painting, performance to social media platforms. Wong expresses passion in writing, curating and art educations. She made an outward appearance on various public sharing, seminars, panel discussion and talks, actively engaging with students and art lovers.


Online Roundtable: Resistant Bodies
A public program shedding light on women’s stories in the sites of resistance