Anne van Dam
Anne van Dam (1988) is an art historical and cultural researcher from Amsterdam. Recently she attained her MA at the Research Master World Art Studies at the University of Leiden. For her MA thesis, she researched the manner in which art from outside Europe was represented and discussed in German art historical surveys published between 1842 and 1900.
In 2012 she finished her Bachelors Cultural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam cum laude with a thesis on the presentation of contemporary art in ethnographical museums. When studying Cultural Sciences, the museological presenation of art from outside the European and Anglo-American area and the challenges associated with the presenation of this art drew her attention. Ever since, she has been engaged with the history of Art History, World Art Studies and the development of the perception of ‘extra-European’ art in a historical perspective.
To gain practical and research experience, Anne has completed internships at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art at Amstelveen and at the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden. Anne is currently a staff member at Framer Framed where she assists in different projects and exhibitions.