Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Photograph by Vartan Seraydarian

Hatem Imam

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Hatem Imam is a visual artist and graphic designer based in Beirut, Lebanon. He holds a BFA in Graphic Design from the American University of Beirut (AUB), as well as an MA in Fine Arts from the University of Creative Arts in Canterbury. He co-founded the design agency Studio Safar and the design and visual culture magazine Journal Safar. He is also one of the co-founders of the Samandal Comics Collective and the artistic director of Annihaya record label. He has taught design and printmaking at AUB since 2007. His work centres around the landscape and employs painting, printmaking and sound to negotiate a relationship with place.


Expositie: Past Disquiet

Samengesteld door Kristine Khouri and Rasha Salti, deze documentaire- en archieftentoonstelling belicht een gedeelde geschiedenis van politiek geëngageerde kunstenaars en initiatieven