Elsewheres Within Here – Digital



Elsewheres Within Here, investigates what we welcome, refuse, or overlook in marking the boundaries of spaces we call ‘home’ – our bodies, houses, and countries. The exhibition presents works by eleven artists, all of whom are based in the Netherlands, and yet each comes from or thinks with places beyond. The works gather stories around errant movements of plants, animals, objects, and symbols across different cultures and times, and through unexpected intimacies. Curated by Jo-Lene Ong, Elsewheres Within Here is the first exhibition Framer Framed presents in its new location in Amsterdam Oost.


Elsewheres Within Here, onderzoekt wat we verwelkomen, uitsluiten, of over het hoofd zien wanneer we de grenzen van hetgeen we ‘thuis’ noemen bepalen. De tentoonstelling presenteert werk van elf kunstenaars. Hoewel zij allemaal in Nederland gevestigd zijn, is ieder van hen ook aan plaatsen daarbuiten verbonden, bijvoorbeeld door afkomst of denkwereld. Samengesteld door Jo-Lene Ong, Elsewhere Within Here is de eerste tentoonstelling in de nieuwe ruimte van Framer Framed in Amsterdam-Oost.
