Authors: Golrokh Nafisi, Ahmadali Kadivar
Graphic Design: Oreri—Iniziativa Editoriale
Publisher: Framer Framed
Text and colour illustrations
Riso-printed in a limited edition of 150 copies
Poster included
72pp| 15 × 20 cm | paperback
English, 2024
ISBN: 9789083079387
Graphic Novel – Walvistraan: A Love Story in a Time of Extinction and Isolation
A poetic and multilayered narrative offering a unique approach to understanding across cultures, generations, and species
Publication date: 6 July 2024
Journey into the heart of Molenwijk, in Amsterdam-Noord, through this evocative graphic story that intertwines personal and collective histories with contemporary moments. Narrated through the eyes of a protagonist intertwined with her community’s roots, the story explores love, loss, displacement, and resistance.
Golrokh Nafisi and Ahmadali Kadivar’s Walvistraan: A Love Story in a Time of Extinction and Isolation is an exploration of Molenwijk’s underground tunnels, secret libraries, and the rich historical tapestry of a neighbourhood shaped by activism, cultural diversity, and environmental change. A story of the resilience and unity of its inhabitants – human and non-human – amidst the forces of modernity, as they reclaim connections to their land of origin and history.
Walvistraan is the result of a project by Golrokh Nafisi in collaboration with Ahmadali Kadivar during their residency in Werkplaats Molenwijk in 2023.
Een poëtisch en gelaagd beeldverhaal dat een unieke kijk geeft op wederzijds begrip tussen culturen, generaties en diersoorten.
Verwacht: 6 juli 2024
Duik in het hart van Molenwijk, in Amsterdam-Noord, aan de hand van dit sfeervolle beeldverhaal dat persoonlijke en collectieve geschiedenissen verweeft met actuele gebeurtenissen. Het hoofdpersonage vertelt een verhaal dat is verbonden met de wortels van Molenwijk’s gemeenschap en verkent liefde, verlies, ontheemding en verzet.
Walvistraan: A Love Story in a Time of Extinction and Isolation van Golrokh Nafisi en Ahmadali Kadivar verkent de ondergrondse tunnels, geheime bibliotheken en het rijke historische weefsel van Molenwijk, gevormd door activisme, culturele diversiteit en ecologische veranderingen. In dit verhaal wordt het verhaal verteld van de weerbaarheid en verbondenheid van haar bewoners – menselijk en niet-menselijk – te midden van de krachten van de moderniteit, terwijl ze de band met hun land van herkomst en geschiedenis opnieuw vinden.
Golrokh Nafisi en Ahmadali Kadivar hebben het project Walvistraan gemaakt tijdens hun residentie in Werkplaats Molenwijk in 2023.
15 in stock
Golrokh Nafisi
Golrokh Nafisi is a visual artist based between Amsterdam and Tehran. Graduate of Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam 2010-2014, from 2000-2005, she studied design at Art University of Tehran.
Storytelling has been the core of her artistic practice. Through her visual and textual narration, we fall into a fictional world derived from private memories, daily realities, as well as historical incidents often forgotten or overlooked. These individual and collective stories create spaces where feelings are offered a voice, where our world can be reimagined with many possibilities.
Ahmadali Kadivar
Writer and researcher Ahmadali Kadivar is director of the Iran Regional Music Atlas, the first and most robust atlas of the folkloric music in Iran, deepening the understanding of the musical culture to literary, mythological, historical and anthropological aspects of the folkloric musical phenomena.
Additional information
Weight | 250 kg |
Dimensions | 20 × 15 × 3 cm |
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