Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes
The Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes confronts the colonial foundations of unjust global systems driving the climate crisis through public hearings giving voice to marginalized communities against states and corporations.
D’Souza and Staal’s stunningly ambitious CICC defines a horizon beyond systems of property and world-ending climate crimes.
—T. J. Demos, author of Radical Futurisms: Ecologies of Collapse, Chronopolitics, and Justice-to-Come
D’Souza and Staal’s radical approach to the consideration of responsibilities and mutual respect, arrives to this modern, alienating and demeaning world as a bucket full of tiny papers with memories written on them.
—Ramón Vera-Herrera, GRAIN (Latin America) and edito Biodiversidad, Sustento y Culturas
The Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC) is a collaboration between Framer Framed, Indian academic, writer, lawyer and activist Radha D’Souza and Dutch artist Jonas Staal. The project consists of a large-scale installation in the form of a tribunal that prosecutes intergenerational climate crimes. The aim of the CICC is to prosecute climate crimes committed by states and corporations, not only in the past and present, but also in the future. Central to this book is the first iteration of the project, commissioned and staged by Framer Framed, Amsterdam, during which public hearings were held against the Dutch State and transnational corporations registered in the Netherlands: Unilever, ING and Airbus.
Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC) confronteert de koloniale fundamenten van onrechtvaardige wereldwijde systemen die de klimaatcrisis aanjagen door middel van openbare hoorzittingen waar gemarginaliseerde gemeenschappen staten en bedrijven aanklagen.
D’Souza en Staal’s ambitieuze en verbluffende CICC definieert een horizon die zich uitstrekt voorbij systemen van eigendom en onwrichtende klimaatmisdaden.
—T. J. Demos, auteur van Radical Futurisms: Ecologies of Collapse, Chronopolitics, and Justice-to-Come
De radicale visie van D’Souza en Staal op verantwoordelijkheden en wederzijds respect komt in deze moderne, vervreemdende en vernederende wereld over als een kast vol kleine briefjes, beladen met herinneringen en getuigenissen.
— Ramón Vera-Herrera, GRAIN (Latijns-Amerika) en edito Biodiversidad, Sustento y Culturas
Deze publicatie bundelt het werk van academicus Radha D’Souza en de Nederlandse beeldend kunstenaar Jonas Staal. Het project bestaat uit een grootschalige installatie in de vorm van een tribunaal dat intergenerationele klimaatmisdaden vervolgt. Het boek bestaat uit drie delen. In Cases wordt dieper ingegaan op vier belangrijke zaken die zijn aangespannen tegen de Nederlandse staat, Unilever, ING Groep en Airbus Industries voor intergenerationele klimaatmisdaden. Judges introduceert het panel van rechters die toezicht houden op de openbare hoorzittingen. Ten slotte biedt Reflections kritische essays van o.a. theoretici Tobias Dias, Ashley Maum en Joram Kraaijeveld.
Het doel van CICC is om klimaatmisdaden door staten en bedrijven te vervolgen, niet alleen in het verleden en heden, maar ook in de toekomst. Centraal in dit boek staat de eerste iteratie van het project, in opdracht van en opgevoerd door Framer Framed, Amsterdam, waarbij openbare hoorzittingen werden gehouden tegen de Nederlandse staat en transnationale bedrijven geregistreerd in Nederland: Unilever, ING en Airbus.
ISBN: 9789083079349 | 424 blz. | illustratie kleuren en zw. | 16 x 23 cm | paperback | Engels | €29.95
This publication has been realised with thanks to multi-year support from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst. In additional, the publication was supported by the Stimuleringsfonds voor Creatieve Industrie within the InnovatieLabs project, The New Social: Hybrid Strategies for Cultural Spaces.

Radha D'Souza
Radha D’Souza is a Professor of International Law, Development and Conflict Studies at the University of Westminster (UK). D’Souza works as a writer, critic, and commentator. She is a social justice activist and worked with labour movements and democratic rights movements in her home country of India as an organiser and activist lawyer. She is the author of What’s Wrong with Rights? Social Movements, Law and Liberal Imaginations (Pluto, 2018) and Interstate Disputes Over Krishna Waters (Orient Longman, 2006) and works with the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC) in the UK. Together with artist Jonas Staal she co-founded the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (2021-ongoing).

Jonas Staal
Jonas Staal is a visual artist whose work deals with the relation between art, democracy, and propaganda. He is the founder of the artistic and political organisation New World Summit (2012– ongoing). Together with Florian Malzacher he co-directs the training camp Training for the Future (2018-ongoing), and with human rights lawyer Jan Fermon he initiated the collective action lawsuit Collectivize Facebook (2020-ongoing). His projects have been exhibited widely at venues such as the Victoria & Albert in London, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, M_HKA in Antwerp, Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Centre Pompidou-Metz and the Nam June Paik Art Center in Seoul, as well as the 7th Berlin Biennale, the 31st Sao Paulo Biennale and the 12th Taipei Biennale. His latest book is Propaganda Art in the 21st Century (The MIT Press, 2019).
Additional information
Weight | 1 kg |
Dimensions | 17 × 24 × 5 cm |
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