Errant Journal #1 When Are We? Digital


Working from the premise of our situated knowledge, the first issue of Errant wants to start with acknowledging the importance of locating oneself in time, and subsequently question time´s claim to universality. Therefore, Errant’s first issue titled When Are We? is about the politics of time and the way in which we have internalized the idea of the present, of what is modern, contemporary and now, and how this is in fact riddled with contradictions and based on mechanisms of exclusion. Analyzed in depth by a.o. Johannes Fabian in his now canonical book Time & The Other, who aptly ascertains that ‘[t]ime, much like language or money, is a carrier of significance, a form through which we define the content of relations between the Self and the Other.’ In other words, to paraphrase George Orwell, we are all contemporary, but some are more contemporary than others.

Contributors: Narda Alvarado, Season Butler, Irene de Craen, Shona Mei Findlay, Sophie Hoyle, Remy Jungerman, Rajkamal Kahlon, A.K. Kaiza, Lara Khaldi, Yazan Khalili, Vera Mey, Rasheedah Phillips, Mark M. Smith, Rolando Vázquez

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