People Archive – Framer Framed About the part that art plays in a globalising society Mon, 22 Jul 2024 10:36:11 +0000 en-EN hourly 1 181983673 René Boer Wed, 17 Jul 2024 12:41:09 +0000 René Boer works as a critic, curator and organiser in and beyond the fields of architecture, design, heritage and the arts. In his practice he seeks to articulate new perspectives on spatial matters and facilitate fertile ground for imagining and materialising alternatives. He is a founding partner of Loom – practice for cultural transformation, a […]

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René Boer works as a critic, curator and organiser in and beyond the fields of architecture, design, heritage and the arts. In his practice he seeks to articulate new perspectives on spatial matters and facilitate fertile ground for imagining and materialising alternatives. He is a founding partner of Loom – practice for cultural transformation, a driving force behind the transnational platform Failed Architecture and affiliated with various urban social movements. His work has appeared in among others Harvard Design Magazine, Architectural Review and Volume. In 2023, he published Smooth City with Valiz Publishers.

In 2024, Boer and Winnie Herbstein will start the research project Contemporary Conflict within the fellowship Community and Conflict in an Urban Environment, a collaboration between Framer Framed and the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam.

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Quetzal Maucci Tue, 16 Jul 2024 15:04:24 +0000 Quetzal Maucci (she/her, 1992, USA) is a photographer, visual storyteller, and educator based in London, UK. In her work, Maucci combines visual documentary techniques with archival images, poetry, interviews and other various forms of intervention in order to challenge systemic values and social constructs. She seeks to create space for personal therapeutic processes while dismantling […]

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Quetzal Maucci (she/her, 1992, USA) is a photographer, visual storyteller, and educator based in London, UK. In her work, Maucci combines visual documentary techniques with archival images, poetry, interviews and other various forms of intervention in order to challenge systemic values and social constructs. She seeks to create space for personal therapeutic processes while dismantling and exploring ideas surrounding immigration, connection, family dynamics, and identity.

She is one of the winners of the 2024 Pride Photo Exhibition by Pride Photo Foundation and one of the speakers at the speaker’s programme Pride Photo: A Love Letter to Queer Resilience at Framer Framed.

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Winnie Herbstein Mon, 15 Jul 2024 10:05:27 +0000 Winnie Herbstein graduated from Glasgow School of Art (Environmental Art). Formerly a committee member at Transmission Gallery, Glasgow. Herbstein studied on the Women in Construction course at the City of Glasgow College and is a founding member of Slaghammers, a woman, trans and non-binary metal workshop. Her work focuses on historical and contemporary forms of […]

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Winnie Herbstein graduated from Glasgow School of Art (Environmental Art). Formerly a committee member at Transmission Gallery, Glasgow. Herbstein studied on the Women in Construction course at the City of Glasgow College and is a founding member of Slaghammers, a woman, trans and non-binary metal workshop. Her work focuses on historical and contemporary forms of organising, in relation to housing and the architecture and formation of space. She was a resident at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam (2021-2023).

In 2024, Herbstein and René Boer will start the research project Contemporary Conflict within the fellowship Community and Conflict in an Urban Environment, a collaboration between Framer Framed and the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam.

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Alex van Stipriaan Mon, 01 Jul 2024 08:15:02 +0000 Alex van Stipriaan is professor emeritus Caribbean history and culture at the Erasmus University. This area covers — amongst other things — the history and current times of the Caribbean diaspora in the Netherlands, especially in relation to debates about slavery and racism. He has published about Suriname, the Dutch Caribbean and cultural processes in […]

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Alex van Stipriaan is professor emeritus Caribbean history and culture at the Erasmus University. This area covers — amongst other things — the history and current times of the Caribbean diaspora in the Netherlands, especially in relation to debates about slavery and racism. He has published about Suriname, the Dutch Caribbean and cultural processes in what is called the ‘Black Atlantic’. Additionally, his special interest goes out to (present-day heritages of) slavery and Marron culture.

Well known books (among others) written by him are Surinaams Contrast (1993), Kunst van overleven, marronculturen van Suriname (2009), Rotterdam in slavernij (2020) and Antilliaans erfgoed (2021 with Gert Oostindie e.a.)

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Catherine Walsh Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:31:43 +0000 Catherine Walsh is a Senior Professor and Director of the Latin American Cultural Studies Doctoral Program at the Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar in Quito. Catherine Walsh also directs the Fondo Documental Afro-Andino, a project dedicated to the recuperation of knowledge in Afro-Ecuadorian communities, and the Intercultural Workshop on Indigenous and Afro voices of the Americas. […]

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Catherine Walsh is a Senior Professor and Director of the Latin American Cultural Studies Doctoral Program at the Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar in Quito. Catherine Walsh also directs the Fondo Documental Afro-Andino, a project dedicated to the recuperation of knowledge in Afro-Ecuadorian communities, and the Intercultural Workshop on Indigenous and Afro voices of the Americas. She has been an invited professor and scholar throughout the Americas. Her current research interests include the geopolitics of knowledge, decolonial thought and pedagogies, interculturality, and the political-epistemic force of present day Afro Andean and Indigenous movements, including with regard to the re-founding of State.

Her recent publications include, among others, Interculturalidad, Estado, Sociedad: Luchas (de)coloniales de nuestra epoca (Quito: Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar/Abya Yala, 2009); “The (De)Coloniality of Knowledge, Life, and Nature: The N.A.-Andean FTA, Indigenous Movements, and Regional Alternatives,” in Shefner and Fernandez-Kelley (eds). Alternative Perspectives on Globalization: Status, Regions, and Movements, Pennsylvania State University Press, in press; “(Post)Coloniality in Ecuador: The Indigenous Movement’s Practices and Politics of (Re)signification and Decolonization,” in Moraña, Dussel, and Jauregui (eds.), Coloniality at Large: The Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate, Durham: Duke University Press, 2008; “Shifting the Geopolitics of Critical Knowledge: Decolonial Thought and Cultural Studies “Others” in the Andes”, Cultural Studies, 21, 2-3, 2007; and “Afro-Andean Thought and Diasporic Ancestrality (with E. Leon), in Shifting the Geography of Reason: Gender, Science and Religion, Marina Banchetti and Clevis Headley (eds.), London: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007

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Katayoun aka discourse Wed, 19 Jun 2024 12:20:58 +0000 Katayoun aka discourse, is a curator, selector, and DJ-archivist from Amsterdam. She has long dedicated herself to digging, collecting, and archiving music from 1930s-1980s Iran through storytelling and what she calls ‘musical dreaming’ by activating soulful Persian Avaz, jazz-funk, upbeat funk, and synth-pop. Her research and show titled Female Vocalists from Iran and Beyond (2017-now) […]

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Katayoun aka discourse, is a curator, selector, and DJ-archivist from Amsterdam. She has long dedicated herself to digging, collecting, and archiving music from 1930s-1980s Iran through storytelling and what she calls ‘musical dreaming’ by activating soulful Persian Avaz, jazz-funk, upbeat funk, and synth-pop. Her research and show titled Female Vocalists from Iran and Beyond (2017-now) is a journey of digging and deep listening across different musical landscapes. While interweaving the voices of 20th-century female vocalists from Iran and neighboring countries, she brings to the fore soothing sounds, forgotten, and lesser-known gems. Her monthly show titled Sonic Imaginaries at Kiosk Radio in Brussels, focuses on infectious Iranian grooves while musing on the Iranian archive and the influence of other musical genealogies such as Latin music, on the music production of the 1960s and 1970s Iran. Her music curation practice has brought her to different nightlife stages, art institutions, listening bars, and events, and allowed her to perform as a support act for Sevdaliza. Beyond her storytelling and soulful approach to re-activating the musical archive of Iran and re-voicing its female vocalists, she is a DJ whose euphoric and dreamlike sound curation moves dance floors across borders and genres.

As an art curator, Katayoun has made two exhibitions at Framer Framed; The End of This Story (And the beginning of all Others) (2015) and Voices Outside the Echo Chamber (2016) and I Speak in Tongues (2017) at 37PK, Haarlem.

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Marcela Varconte Mon, 17 Jun 2024 12:42:22 +0000 Marcela Varconte is an Afro-Indigenous researcher born in São Paulo. She is a social scientist and activist against environmental racism and for climate justice. She has extensive experience in social research, affective mappings, conflict mediation and cultural interventions in affected areas. Her research Rupturas e continuidades de uma comunidade Negra led her to projects focusing […]

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Marcela Varconte is an Afro-Indigenous researcher born in São Paulo. She is a social scientist and activist against environmental racism and for climate justice. She has extensive experience in social research, affective mappings, conflict mediation and cultural interventions in affected areas. Her research Rupturas e continuidades de uma comunidade Negra led her to projects focusing on peripheral black youth, gender studies, Quilombola population and reparation movements.

Marcela has documented the immaterial and ancestral damages suffered by Quilombola and Indigenous populations affected by major disasters in Brazil. An example of this is the Mariana disaster — the largest river destruction in the world caused by the collapse of a mining dam. She was part of the research team for the Rio Doce Project, conducting diagnostics, impact assessments and evaluating damages caused to communities by the Fundão dam collapse in Mariana, Minais Gerais, Brazil.

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Derek Curry Thu, 23 May 2024 14:32:39 +0000 Derek Curry is an artist-researcher whose work investigates the role of new technologies in society and technological power structures, using an approach that combines academic research with critical art-making. His artworks often reverse-engineers and replicates technologies of control to better understand their implications and where assumptions or ideologies may have played a role in their […]

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Derek Curry is an artist-researcher whose work investigates the role of new technologies in society and technological power structures, using an approach that combines academic research with critical art-making. His artworks often reverse-engineers and replicates technologies of control to better understand their implications and where assumptions or ideologies may have played a role in their development. His academic research draws from media theory and the social sciences, while his artistic practice is grounded in tactical media and institutional critique.

Curry holds an MFA in New Genres from UCLA (2010) and a PhD in Media Study from the State University of New York at Buffalo (2018). He is currently an Associate Professor in Art + Design at Northeastern University in Boston. Curry has exhibited at venues including Ars Electronica, ISEA, National Gallery X (London), NeMe (Cypress), and the Athens Digital Arts Festival. His research has been published in Leonardo, Big Data & Society, Digital Culture & Society, Visual Resources, and Leuven University Press. His artwork has been funded by Science Gallery (Dublin, Detroit, Atlanta), NEoN Digital Arts Festival, and MediaFutures. He is the recipient of the 2023 MediaFutures Best Artist(s) in the Artists for Media track award.

Together with Jennifer Gradecki, Derek Curry is a participating artist in the Framer Framed exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis curated by Mi You and David Garcia.

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Jennifer Gradecki Thu, 23 May 2024 14:30:27 +0000 Jennifer Gradecki‘s artistic practice and research investigates secretive and specialized socio-technical systems and makes them more accessible to non-experts. Her projects have focused on financial instruments, intelligence analysis, dataveillance technologies, as well as social media misinformation and disinformation. Gradecki holds a PhD in Visual Studies from SUNY Buffalo (2019) and an MFA in New Genres […]

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Jennifer Gradecki‘s artistic practice and research investigates secretive and specialized socio-technical systems and makes them more accessible to non-experts. Her projects have focused on financial instruments, intelligence analysis, dataveillance technologies, as well as social media misinformation and disinformation.

Gradecki holds a PhD in Visual Studies from SUNY Buffalo (2019) and an MFA in New Genres from UCLA (2010). She is currently an Associate Professor in Art + Design at Northeastern University in Boston. She has presented and exhibited at venues including Ars Electronica (Linz), ISEA (Barcelona), National Gallery X (London), NeMe (Cyprus), Athens Digital Arts Festival, International Symposium on Computational Media Art (Hong Kong), and Piksel Festival (Bergen). Her research has been published in LeonardoBig Data & SocietyVisual Resources, and Leuven University Press and her artwork has been funded by Science Gallery, NEoN Digital Arts Festival, and MediaFutures.

Together with Derek Curry, Jennifer Gradecki is a participating artist in the Framer Framed exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis curated by Mi You and David Garcia.


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Mark Cinkevich Thu, 23 May 2024 14:28:41 +0000 Mark Cinkevich is a Belarus-born interdisciplinary researcher and artist. In his practice, he is interested in critical, speculative and experimental aspects of art that operate at the intersection of fact and fiction. His work focuses on the post-Soviet infrastructural and social landscape, through which he explores in particular the concepts of nuclear colonialism, infrastructural colonialism, […]

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Mark Cinkevich is a Belarus-born interdisciplinary researcher and artist. In his practice, he is interested in critical, speculative and experimental aspects of art that operate at the intersection of fact and fiction. His work focuses on the post-Soviet infrastructural and social landscape, through which he explores in particular the concepts of nuclear colonialism, infrastructural colonialism, extractivism and monstrosity.

His works have been shown at transmediale in Berlin, steirischer herbst in Graz, the BFI London Film Festival, the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius, Ars Electronica in Linz, and the Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art in Ljubljana, among others.

Together with Anna Engelhardt, Mark Cinkevich is a participating artist in the Framer Framed exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis curated by Mi You and David Garcia.

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Anna Engelhardt Thu, 23 May 2024 14:28:22 +0000 Anna Engelhardt is the alias of a video artist and writer. Her investigative practice follows the traces of material violence, focusing on what could be seen as the ‘ghost’ of information. The toxic information environments Engelhardt deals with stem from structures of occupation and dispossession. She has shown her work at ICA, transmediale, Ars Electronica, […]

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Anna Engelhardt is the alias of a video artist and writer. Her investigative practice follows the traces of material violence, focusing on what could be seen as the ‘ghost’ of information. The toxic information environments Engelhardt deals with stem from structures of occupation and dispossession. She has shown her work at ICA, transmediale, Ars Electronica, Kyiv Biennial, BFI London Film Festival, International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, The Henie Onstad Triennial for Photography and New Media, National Gallery of Art (Lithuania), Aksioma, and V.O Curations. Engelhardt is a core faculty of the MA Information Design at Design Academy Eindhoven and co-editor of Chimeras: Inventory of Synthetic Cognition (2022, Onassis Foundation). As of 2024, she is a Film London Artists’ Moving Image Network fellow and a resident at the Medialab Matadero.

Together with Mark Cinkevich, Anna Engelhardt is a participating artist in the Framer Framed exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis curated by Mi You and David Garcia.

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RIWAQ Thu, 23 May 2024 14:23:32 +0000 Since 1991, RIWAQ has recognised the challenging complexities of preserving Palestinian collective memory through projects that document and restore architectural heritage sites across the West Bank and Gaza. Harnessing the energy and skills of students, architects, archaeologists, and historians, RIWAQ embarked on the Registry of Historic Buildings, a thirteen year project (1994-2007) resulting in the […]

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Since 1991, RIWAQ has recognised the challenging complexities of preserving Palestinian collective memory through projects that document and restore architectural heritage sites across the West Bank and Gaza. Harnessing the energy and skills of students, architects, archaeologists, and historians, RIWAQ embarked on the Registry of Historic Buildings, a thirteen year project (1994-2007) resulting in the publication of three volumes that include detailed histories, maps, and photos of approximately 420 villages in sixteen districts across the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Gaza.

RIWAQ is distinguished by its focus on rural areas in Palestine. Founded in 1991, RIWAQ’s experience in the restoration of rural Palestine shows that there is an urgent need for community and cultural centres for marginalised groups. Since 2001 ‘Job Creation through Restoration Projects’ approved that the restoration work led to a sustainable increase in awareness of the importance of cultural heritage, and led to a higher standard of living of large segment of the population.

Because of the huge demand for these services, as well as the scarcity of human and financial resources, Riwaq has been implementing ‘The 50-Village Rehabilitation Project’. This project is a culmination of RIWAQ’s long period of work and experimentation in rehabilitating and safeguarding heritage in Palestine as a tool for socio- economic and political development.

RIWAQ’s projects are not only about job creation or about the restoration of stones and historic structure. They raise awareness about the importance of cultural heritage as a pillar for Palestinian identity and collective memory. Furthermore, they are about creating a space suitable and safe for life and work and the production and dissemination of knowledge.

Throughout its life span, RIWAQ has turned the field of heritage to a medium of thinking urgent and emergent socio-economic-cultural-political concerns. In this paradigm, the heritage becomes the field not only for knowledge production but also the field for change.

RIWAQ is a participating artist in the Framer Framed exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis curated by Mi You and David Garcia.

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Zheng Mahler Thu, 23 May 2024 14:15:19 +0000 Zheng Mahler (founded in 2009; based on Lantau Island, Hong Kong) is a collective composed of artist Royce Ng (b. 1983, Melbourne, Australia) and anthrozoologist Daisy Bisenieks (b. 1983, Melbourne, Australia). Through a research-based practice, Zheng Mahler investigates global trade as well as the relationship between nature and technology. Using digital media, performance, and installation, […]

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Zheng Mahler (founded in 2009; based on Lantau Island, Hong Kong) is a collective composed of artist Royce Ng (b. 1983, Melbourne, Australia) and anthrozoologist Daisy Bisenieks (b. 1983, Melbourne, Australia). Through a research-based practice, Zheng Mahler investigates global trade as well as the relationship between nature and technology. Using digital media, performance, and installation, the duo creates immersive sensory encounters aimed at challenging their disciplines and decentering the human experience.

Zheng Mahler has had solo presentations at the Johann Jacobs Museum, Zurich, Switzerland (2014, 2016) and PhD Group in Hong Kong (2023). The collective has also exhibited projects at the KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany (2024); Kunsthalle Mainz, Germany (2023); Helsinki Biennale, Finland (2023); UCCA Dune, Beidaihe, China (2022–23); Singapore Museum of Art (2022); M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium (2021); Asian Cultural Center, Gwangju, Korea (2021); Shanghai Biennale, China (2021); Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong (2019); Akademie der Künste der Welt, Cologne (2019); Para Site, Hong Kong (2016–17) and Performa Biennale, New York (2015).

Zheng Mahler is a participating artist in the Framer Framed exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis curated by Mi You and David Garcia.

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UKRAiNATV Thu, 23 May 2024 14:11:57 +0000 UKRAiNATV is an experimental, collective and cross-sectoral project in the field of media culture. They consist of artists, activists, researchers, musicians and DJs from Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Italy. They deal with new relational strategies and new hybrid production forms in the field of hybrid presence. As an Internet TV station, UKRAiNATV specialises in building live […]

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UKRAiNATV is an experimental, collective and cross-sectoral project in the field of media culture. They consist of artists, activists, researchers, musicians and DJs from Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Italy.

They deal with new relational strategies and new hybrid production forms in the field of hybrid presence. As an Internet TV station, UKRAiNATV specialises in building live audiovisual bridges, hosting a multi-channel streaming hub, recording studio. UKRAiNATV experiment with tactical media and realities, mixing used and brand new equipment and concepts, creating one-off blends of the real and the virtual, online and offline. They are a GLOCAL, hybrid and collective melting pot of people, machines, ideas, identities and signals. It is an artistic, social, political and research-based project all in one.

Operating in the shadow of war and geopolitical tensions, UKRAiNATV is a collective that was born a few days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. They aim to create connections and solidarity between persons in-needs, refugees, nomadic artists, expats and migrants that do not feel safe to express themselves freely in their own country or states.

UKRAiNATV is a participating artist collective in the Framer Framed exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis curated by Mi You and David Garcia.

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Ho Tzu Nyen Thu, 23 May 2024 12:26:54 +0000 Ho Tzu Nyen was born in 1976 in Singapore, where he lives and works. His films, film-based installations, and performances draw from a vast range of cultural materials and discourses, which are repurposed into a visual machinery that animates the entanglement and complexity of history, subjectivity and power. His films, film-based installations, and performances draw […]

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Ho Tzu Nyen was born in 1976 in Singapore, where he lives and works. His films, film-based installations, and performances draw from a vast range of cultural materials and discourses, which are repurposed into a visual machinery that animates the entanglement and complexity of history, subjectivity and power. His films, film-based installations, and performances draw from a vast range of cultural materials and discourses, which are repurposed into a visual machinery that animates the entanglement and complexity of history, subjectivity and power.

Ho’s recent solo exhibitions were held at  Art Sonje Center (2024), Singapore Art Museum (2023), Hammer Museum (Los Angeles, 2022), Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (Aichi, 2021), Crow Museum of Asian Art of the University of Texas at Dallas (2021), Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (2021), Kunstverein in Hamburg (2018), and Ming Contemporary Art Museum (Shanghai, 2018). He represented Singapore at the 55th Venice Biennale in 2011. Ho’s recent group exhibitions include Thailand Biennale (2023), Aichi Triennale (2019), 12th Gwangju Biennale (2018), and 10th Shanghai Biennale (2014).

His works have also been presented in numerous international theaters and film festivals, including Theater der Welt (2010, 2023), kunstenfestivaldesarts (2006, 2008, 2018), Berlin International Film Festival (2015), Sundance Film Festival (2012), Venice Film Festival (2009) and 41st Directors’ Fortnight at the Cannes Film Festival (2009). In 2019, Ho co-curated the 7th Asian Art Biennial with Taiwanese artist Hsu Chia-Wei at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art.

Ho Tzu Nyen is a participating artist in the Framer Framed exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis curated by Mi You and David Garcia.

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Pia Louwerens and Katinka van Gorkum Tue, 21 May 2024 14:37:24 +0000 Throughout their friendship and cohabitation, Pia Louwerens and Katinka van Gorkum have been in continuous conversation about the spectrum between opening/show/exposing on the one hand and inwardness/privacy/home on the other. In their respective art practices, these themes are expressed differently. During an artist-in-residency at Kunsthuis SYB in 2023, Pia and Katinka started researching the Lesbisch […]

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Throughout their friendship and cohabitation, Pia Louwerens and Katinka van Gorkum have been in continuous conversation about the spectrum between opening/show/exposing on the one hand and inwardness/privacy/home on the other. In their respective art practices, these themes are expressed differently.

During an artist-in-residency at Kunsthuis SYB in 2023, Pia and Katinka started researching the Lesbisch Archief Leeuwarden (Lesbian Archive Leeuwarden, later named the Anna Blaman Huis) which existed from 1976 until 2013. They considered what it means to open up this archive in an artistic context. With this project, they reproduce the gestures of an archivist when they search, browse, pack, unpack and copy materials from the archive and, when they share their project with an audience, carry on the role of desk clerk and spokesperson. An important part of this practice for Pia and Katinka is the affective relationship with the material, an echo of the intimacy from the early days of the archive, while drawing on their bond as roommates.

Pia Louwerens makes performances in which she tries to understand how the artwork, artist and the (institutional) context produce each other. She imagines these relationships as an intertextual network, or script, which she can ‘co-write’ through performance, spoken and written text. She often works with appropriation and (self)citation, re-using old scripts in new performances. Because of this, her performances form their own archive. She sees this as a way to develop forms of publication and exhibition that do not require transparency or visibility, but instead add more and more layers to the work.

Katinka van Gorkum explores the idea of the house and feeling at home by making private spaces public and by challenging the very idea of the house as a stable base. She is currently doing this through the medium of writing. She undertook a research on the Rotterdam-based and openly lesbian writer Anna Blaman (1905-1960), which led, among other things, to a short story in which the main character hides in Blaman’s virtual bedroom. In the pamphlet Loving Characters Into Gas Station Snacks, she and Sára Iványi published the un-edited conversation they had via a text-based dating app, writing to each other on a daily basis without knowing who the other person was or what they looked like.




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Alva Roselius Tue, 21 May 2024 14:37:14 +0000 Alva Roselius is an artist and administrator working with language and spatiality. Informed by architecture and theatre and inspired by phenomenology, queer theory and political movements, her works revolve around power, desire and normality. Alva is educated at Konstfack in Stockholm and DAI Art Praxis in the Netherlands. Besides her artistic practice she works at […]

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Alva Roselius is an artist and administrator working with language and spatiality. Informed by architecture and theatre and inspired by phenomenology, queer theory and political movements, her works revolve around power, desire and normality. Alva is educated at Konstfack in Stockholm and DAI Art Praxis in the Netherlands. Besides her artistic practice she works at the union owned magazine Arbetaren in Sweden.

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Josefina Contin Zapata Tue, 21 May 2024 14:37:02 +0000 Josefina Contin Zapata is a designer and graphic artist based in Chile and the Netherlands. Her work focuses on pedagogy, collaboration and printed matter. She participated in Werkplaats Typografie (2022–2024). During the past 7 years she has run diverse workshops set on ecology, writing and self-publishing.

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Josefina Contin Zapata is a designer and graphic artist based in Chile and the Netherlands. Her work focuses on pedagogy, collaboration and printed matter. She participated in Werkplaats Typografie (2022–2024). During the past 7 years she has run diverse workshops set on ecology, writing and self-publishing.

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Amsterdam Dyke March Tue, 21 May 2024 14:36:48 +0000 Amsterdam Dyke March is a grassroots organisation that organises events for lesbians, by lesbians in Amsterdam. Every summer, the Dyke March itself takes place, and throughout the year, the group’s volunteers organise events such as workshops, bar nights, and a recurring book club. The aim of the Dyke March organisation is to cultivate a stronger, […]

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Amsterdam Dyke March is a grassroots organisation that organises events for lesbians, by lesbians in Amsterdam. Every summer, the Dyke March itself takes place, and throughout the year, the group’s volunteers organise events such as workshops, bar nights, and a recurring book club. The aim of the Dyke March organisation is to cultivate a stronger, more radical, and intersectional lesbian community by working with political free spaces and like-minded individuals.

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One State Collective Tue, 21 May 2024 14:36:01 +0000 One State Collective is a leaderless art collective, created to Free Palestine and raise awareness around harmful systems that perpetuate inequality and injustice. They have several subgroups, such as writers, dancers, filmmakers, actors, and musicians who can all self-initiate, and with temporary leaders they make projects and events happen.

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One State Collective is a leaderless art collective, created to Free Palestine and raise awareness around harmful systems that perpetuate inequality and injustice. They have several subgroups, such as writers, dancers, filmmakers, actors, and musicians who can all self-initiate, and with temporary leaders they make projects and events happen.

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Mi You Wed, 15 May 2024 13:17:20 +0000 Mi You is a curator and a professor of Art and Economies at the University of Kassel / documenta Institut. Her academic interests lie in new and historical materialism and performance philosophy, as well as the history, political theory and philosophy of Eurasia. She also leads research on alternative value systems, the social value of […]

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Mi You is a curator and a professor of Art and Economies at the University of Kassel / documenta Institut. Her academic interests lie in new and historical materialism and performance philosophy, as well as the history, political theory and philosophy of Eurasia. She also leads research on alternative value systems, the social value of art and ideological regroupings in art and culture. Previously, she was a research associate at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (2014-2021), where she explored the use of Silk Roads as a figuration for anti-nationalist, de-centralised and nomadic imageries.

You has curated exhibitions and performative programmes at Asian Culture Center in Gwangju, South Korea, Ulaanbaatar International Media Art Festival, Mongolia (2016), Zarya Center for Contemporary Art, Vladivostok (2018), and leads the longterm research/curatorial project Unmapping Eurasia (2018 – ) with Binna Choi. As a curator of Sci-(no)-Fi at the Academy of the Arts of the World, Cologne (2019) and of Lonely Vectors, at the Singapore Art Museum (2022), she explored the social impact of new technologies and ‘actionable speculations’.

She was one of the curators of  13th Shanghai Biennale (2020-2021). On the social front, she serves as chair of committee on Media Arts and Technology for the transnational NGO Common Action Forum. She was named one of the 40 under 40 of the Asia Pacific by the international art magazine Apollo in 2022. Together with David Garcia, she curated the exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis (2024) at Framer Framed.

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Noam Youngrak Son Wed, 01 May 2024 08:59:05 +0000 Noam Youngrak Son is a Ghent-based communication designer practicing queer publishing. They explore revolutionary methods of disseminating deviant narratives. In their work, publishing concerns more than mere printed matter, since, in its etymology, the word ‘publishing’ originally meant: to populate communities and to breed interspecies relations. The term ‘queer’ in this context is not used […]

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Noam Youngrak Son is a Ghent-based communication designer practicing queer publishing. They explore revolutionary methods of disseminating deviant narratives. In their work, publishing concerns more than mere printed matter, since, in its etymology, the word ‘publishing’ originally meant: to populate communities and to breed interspecies relations. The term ‘queer’ in this context is not used as a statement of identity but as that of methodology – small yet collective strategies of publishing that challenge the modern myth of a heroic designer.

Son has collaborated with various institutions worldwide, including Z33, Design Museum Gent, iMAL (BE); Sonic Acts, MU Hybrid Art House (NL); Barbican Centre (UK); Kampnagel, ifa, Deichtorhallen, LAS Art Foundation (DE); Ars Electronica (AT); Venice Biennale, Triennale Milano (IT); and Center for Book Arts NY (US).

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Latent Community Mon, 29 Apr 2024 12:14:45 +0000 Latent Community is the interdisciplinary artist duo consisting of visual artists and filmmakers Sotiris Tsiganos and Ionian Bisai. They work with the moving image and sound in research-based projects as tools to explore issues of social, political and ecological justice. Their interdisciplinary practice integrates extensive fieldwork with relational strategies and performative sequences as means to […]

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Latent Community is the interdisciplinary artist duo consisting of visual artists and filmmakers Sotiris Tsiganos and Ionian Bisai. They work with the moving image and sound in research-based projects as tools to explore issues of social, political and ecological justice. Their interdisciplinary practice integrates extensive fieldwork with relational strategies and performative sequences as means to render forgotten memories, to amplify unheard voices and to explore overlooked ecosystems

Their work has been presented internationally in exhibitions and festivals such as Athens Biennale (2017); documenta 14 – Public Programs (2017); Sharjah Film Platform – Sharjah Art Foundation (2019); Recontemporary art space in Turin (2019); Thessaloniki Documentary Festival (2020); PCAI – Polyeco Contemporary Art Initiative (2020); School of Waters – Mediterranea 19 Young Artists Biennale (2021); Grand Central Art Center, California, USA; and the 23rd Biennale of Sydney: Rīvus (2022).

They have been granted awards by LOOP Barcelona, Sharjah Art Foundation, ARTWORKS-SNF Artist Fellowship Program and The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Public Humanities Initiative (SNFPHI) at Columbia University. Latent Community has participated in international residency programs such as Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, USA; ONASSIS AiR: The School of Infinite Rehearsals, and Caravan Residency Program (Cittadellarte–Fondazione Pistoletto & Centre for Fine Arts–Bozar).

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Peng Zhang Mon, 29 Apr 2024 12:00:05 +0000 Peng Zhang (1990) works and lives in Amsterdam. He is a Chinese artist, working on land projects, sculptures, paintings and drawings. Zhang’s fascination with art is inspired by rural life in Shijian Cun, the village where he was born in southern China, and his current life in the Netherlands. He created the land projects 72m2 […]

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Peng Zhang (1990) works and lives in Amsterdam. He is a Chinese artist, working on land projects, sculptures, paintings and drawings. Zhang’s fascination with art is inspired by rural life in Shijian Cun, the village where he was born in southern China, and his current life in the Netherlands. He created the land projects 72m2 Land and Paradise Garden. Serials. He also participated as the first resident of Grasland, Elzinga in Groningen.

Zhang constructs rural worlds by visualizing the poetic and harmonious moments of daily life in his paintings and drawings. He was a resident of Rijksacademie van beeldende kunsten from 2021 to 2023. He also studied for his MFA at AKV/St. Joost School for Art and Design Academy in Den Bosch.

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Angeliki Tzortzakaki Mon, 29 Apr 2024 11:59:28 +0000 Angeliki Tzortzakaki works as a writer, curator, project coordinator and tutor. Her practice materialises in multiple, often performative ways, and overall looks at narratives that wish to break the nature-culture binary. Recently, she has been part of the curatorial team of the 2024 Sonic Acts Biennial and curated a solo exhibition by artist Yorgia Karidi […]

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Angeliki Tzortzakaki works as a writer, curator, project coordinator and tutor. Her practice materialises in multiple, often performative ways, and overall looks at narratives that wish to break the nature-culture binary. Recently, she has been part of the curatorial team of the 2024 Sonic Acts Biennial and curated a solo exhibition by artist Yorgia Karidi at the Theocharakis Foundation in Athens. Previously, she curated for the Mediterranea Biennial and the 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture. In 2021-2022, Angeliki received the Curatorial Fellowship ARTWORKS from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation in Athens while previously was a fellow at the nomadic programme A Natural Oasis? (2018-2020).

She has been collaborating closely with Mercedes Azpilicueta since 2019, in the development and coordination of some of her long-term projects. Angeliki’s — mostly collaborative — curatorial, editorial and artistic work has been presented at HIAP (Helsinki), Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen (Innsbruck), 19th Mediterranea Biennial (San Marino), Onassis Foundation (Athens), Italian Institute of Culture (Tokyo), Laurel Project Space (Amsterdam), JaJaJa NeeNeeNee (Amsterdam), Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, PARADISE AiR (Matsudo), Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (Athens) and published among others at Flash Art International, Arts of the Working Class, ATP Diary, Roots-Routes, Archive Books, Building Fictions, Lugemik and De Appel.


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Jean-Sylvain Tshilumba Mukendi Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:52:11 +0000 Jean-Sylvain Tshilumba Mukendi is currently project and artistic coordinator at Atelier Picha (Lubumbashi, DRC). Cultural practitioner, researcher and writer at heart, his research interests revolve around art practices of Africa and its diaspora and the relevance of globalism in the contemporary art world. In 2019, he obtained a Master of Art in Art History as […]

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Jean-Sylvain Tshilumba Mukendi is currently project and artistic coordinator at Atelier Picha (Lubumbashi, DRC). Cultural practitioner, researcher and writer at heart, his research interests revolve around art practices of Africa and its diaspora and the relevance of globalism in the contemporary art world. In 2019, he obtained a Master of Art in Art History as part of the Arts of Africa and Global Souths research programme (NRF) at Rhodes University, South Africa.

He has collaborated with several cultural institutions and art platforms including: the Kin ArtStudio (Kinshasa), Pavillon 54, Framer Framed (Amsterdam) and The Prince Claus Fund (Amsterdam). He has recently contributed to the management of the 7th edition of the Lubumbashi Biennale, the DRC Pavilion at the 23rd edition of the Triennale Milano, and the exhibition Toxicity at the 5th edition of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale.

His writings have been featured in several specialized magazines, exhibitions catalogues and academic publications.


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the land Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:35:06 +0000 the land, founded by Jessie Breslau (she/her) and Elise de Jong (she/her), is an agricultural and social experiment that weaves together agroecological and community building practices. The majority of food grown on the land is not sold, but rather used in the workshops, dinners and events that they host in and near Amsterdam. Jessie and […]

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the land, founded by Jessie Breslau (she/her) and Elise de Jong (she/her), is an agricultural and social experiment that weaves together agroecological and community building practices. The majority of food grown on the land is not sold, but rather used in the workshops, dinners and events that they host in and near Amsterdam. Jessie and Elise believe in building relationships through and around food and feel that those bonds strengthen with every possible tactility. the land, and its lack of capital letters, stems from building their practice out of commons-based theory as well as to represent that this project is one that is intended to be communally tended.

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Cassidy McKenna Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:06:36 +0000 Antonio Vincenzo Sotgiu, Jean Ni and Cassidy McKenna are three friends whose common interests include land-based living, deep concept theoretical thinking and eating beyond their stomachs’ capacities of chickpeas. They have so far spent stretches of summer (harvesting the fava), autumn (consuming the fava), and winter (sowing the fava) together in the village of Semestene, Sardinia […]

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Antonio Vincenzo Sotgiu, Jean Ni and Cassidy McKenna are three friends whose common interests include land-based living, deep concept theoretical thinking and eating beyond their stomachs’ capacities of chickpeas. They have so far spent stretches of summer (harvesting the fava), autumn (consuming the fava), and winter (sowing the fava) together in the village of Semestene, Sardinia (population: 80, plus the sheep), where Antonio and Jean live.

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Jean Ni Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:05:01 +0000 Antonio Vincenzo Sotgiu, Jean Ni and Cassidy McKenna are three friends whose common interests include land-based living, deep concept theoretical thinking and eating beyond their stomachs’ capacities of chickpeas. They have so far spent stretches of summer (harvesting the fava), autumn (consuming the fava), and winter (sowing the fava) together in the village of Semestene, Sardinia […]

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Antonio Vincenzo Sotgiu, Jean Ni and Cassidy McKenna are three friends whose common interests include land-based living, deep concept theoretical thinking and eating beyond their stomachs’ capacities of chickpeas. They have so far spent stretches of summer (harvesting the fava), autumn (consuming the fava), and winter (sowing the fava) together in the village of Semestene, Sardinia (population: 80, plus the sheep), where Antonio and Jean live.

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Antonio Vincenzo Sotgiu Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:03:11 +0000 Antonio Vincenzo Sotgiu, Jean Ni and Cassidy McKenna are three friends whose common interests include land-based living, deep concept theoretical thinking and eating beyond their stomachs’ capacities of chickpeas. They have so far spent stretches of summer (harvesting the fava), autumn (consuming the fava), and winter (sowing the fava) together in the village of Semestene, Sardinia […]

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Antonio Vincenzo Sotgiu, Jean Ni and Cassidy McKenna are three friends whose common interests include land-based living, deep concept theoretical thinking and eating beyond their stomachs’ capacities of chickpeas. They have so far spent stretches of summer (harvesting the fava), autumn (consuming the fava), and winter (sowing the fava) together in the village of Semestene, Sardinia (population: 80, plus the sheep), where Antonio and Jean live.

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Sophia Dorfsman Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:51:19 +0000 Sophia Dorfsman (she/her) is a designer who questions frameworks, seeks poeticisms and organizes systems. A profound fondness for food and all its entanglements has led Sophia’s practice into studying ways of transcribing food-making practices.

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Sophia Dorfsman (she/her) is a designer who questions frameworks, seeks poeticisms and organizes systems. A profound fondness for food and all its entanglements has led Sophia’s practice into studying ways of transcribing food-making practices.

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Juliana Gallego Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:48:45 +0000 Juliana Gallego (she/her) is a writer and researcher in culture and humanities from Colombia. She has a professional degree in Cultural Management with a focus on Identity and Culture from the National University of Colombia. She has carried out subsequent studies in Museology, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Social Librarianship and Southern Epistemologies. Juliana also writes poetry […]

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Juliana Gallego (she/her) is a writer and researcher in culture and humanities from Colombia. She has a professional degree in Cultural Management with a focus on Identity and Culture from the National University of Colombia. She has carried out subsequent studies in Museology, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Social Librarianship and Southern Epistemologies.

Juliana also writes poetry and maintains care for labor with the body – particularly the hands – to cook and these days to make bread. Mainly, she thinks about culture, identity, food and commensality, while currently researching food and time.

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Luke Stark Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:41:40 +0000 Luke Stark (he/him) was born in the USA and is a life-long agriculturalist with international work experience spanning sheep dairying to corporate finance advisory from the green paddocks of New Zealand to the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam’s canals. Inspired by the land’s inaugural bean zine, his most recent creative endeavour is the construction of […]

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Luke Stark (he/him) was born in the USA and is a life-long agriculturalist with international work experience spanning sheep dairying to corporate finance advisory from the green paddocks of New Zealand to the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam’s canals. Inspired by the land’s inaugural bean zine, his most recent creative endeavour is the construction of a series of over-sized, papier-mâché beans.

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Sarah Ndele Tue, 02 Apr 2024 14:37:54 +0000 Sarah Ndele is a visual artist and cultural operator who lives and works in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Kinshasa in 2013. Sarah Ndele is the type of artist who expresses herself through different mediums, such as installation, performance, painting or writing. Her work […]

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Sarah Ndele is a visual artist and cultural operator who lives and works in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Kinshasa in 2013.

Sarah Ndele is the type of artist who expresses herself through different mediums, such as installation, performance, painting or writing. Her work questions the memory, the roots and the present of initiation among the Bakongo people in the west of the DRC. The anti-colonial revolutionary and prophetess Kimpa Vita (1684-1706) is her main source of inspiration. This is how she conducts research into Kongo art.

Sarah Ndele has participated in several festivals, such as KinAct in Kinshasa, the Emomé Art Festival in Togo and the Nyege Nyege Festival in Uganda. She curated and participated in artistic and cultural projects in Benin, Cameroon, Congo and Brazil. Next to that, she wrote the article Congo: fertile trees near the source, organises night exhibitions in Kinshasa and is coordinator at the Farata collective. Ndele also organises and coordinates the 2024 performance art festival Kin-Etelemi-Telemi and the women’s festival Kasala in the Soul of Women, with the collective Ndaku Ya La Vie Est Belle in Kinshasa.

Sarah Ndele’s performance for Maintaining the Root (2024) at Framer Framed, Amsterdam. Photo: © Marlise Steeman / Framer Framed

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Mamo Arwawiku Thu, 21 Mar 2024 15:14:17 +0000 Mamo Arwawiku is the spiritual founder (or Mamo) and guide of the Kwarte Umuke community of the Iku people (also known as Arhuaco). This community is situated on the front line of the resistance between their culture and that of the ‘younger brother’ (Westerners) in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. This is where […]

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Mamo Arwawiku is the spiritual founder (or Mamo) and guide of the Kwarte Umuke community of the Iku people (also known as Arhuaco). This community is situated on the front line of the resistance between their culture and that of the ‘younger brother’ (Westerners) in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. This is where four indigenous peoples live, who have skillfully survived the extermination attempts of the Spanish, the Capuchin missionaries, paramilitaries, the megaprojects, and all those who want to wipe out the indigenous people in order to govern as a single entity. In the struggle, mainly women have been attacked, losing their womb, their family, their language and their knowledge. That is why Mamos like Arwawiku have focused on defending their territories, like the place where he planted the seed (kankurwa) that has sprouted as a big community in the front lines of re-existence.

From a very early age, Mamo Arwawiku learned to heal and defend the territory following the spiritual teachings of his parents and grandparents. For this, it is necessary to connect his thoughts with Mother Earth, to talk to her and to take care of her in each territory. In order to heal, he learned to walk through different territories to identify where the destructive thoughts come from and to know in which part of the territory the diseases come from.

Mamo Arwawiku has traveled to various countries warning of the dangers of destroying the landscapes and showing how we are making Mother Earth sick. He has focused on reweaving the spiritual fabric between countries. If he has the opportunity to teach people to connect their thoughts with Mother Earth and heal, he does it because it is his mission. At 78 years of age in 2024, his job is to pass the knowledge on to the next generations, so that they can heal, recover their culture, their territory, their knowledge and defend life from the spirit.

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María Eufemia Arroyo Izquierdo Thu, 21 Mar 2024 13:51:43 +0000 María Eufemia Arroyo Izquierdo (2002) grew up in the deepest part of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, next to the snow-peaked mountains at the center of the Indigenous reservation where the four different cultures of the region meet. Even though she was given a western name, she was recognized as a guardian weaver of […]

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María Eufemia Arroyo Izquierdo (2002) grew up in the deepest part of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, next to the snow-peaked mountains at the center of the Indigenous reservation where the four different cultures of the region meet. Even though she was given a western name, she was recognized as a guardian weaver of her culture and a guardian of the feminine thought, which is essential for the care of Mother Earth. As a young mother herself, she was given the task of caring for the relation between Mother and child, where the caring for water begins. After her education she moved to the Kwarte Umuke community where, through traditional work, she looks for harmony in the defense of the Sierra Nevada region.

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Dwanimako Arroyo Izquierdo Thu, 21 Mar 2024 13:24:27 +0000 Dwanimako Arroyo Izquierdo (2000) lives in Donachui in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia as a member of the Iku people. When he was young his family moved to the central zone in the Kwarte Umuke community, where he began his studies at the ethno-educative institution Imanuel Lyceum of the North. After finishing his […]

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Dwanimako Arroyo Izquierdo (2000) lives in Donachui in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia as a member of the Iku people. When he was young his family moved to the central zone in the Kwarte Umuke community, where he began his studies at the ethno-educative institution Imanuel Lyceum of the North. After finishing his studies in 2019, he began the process of remembering his ancestral culture. He is determined to strengthen the care for Mother Earth by protecting the territory: “Donachui is the heart of a living world where the thought is protected as the Law of Origin”.

Dwanimako is on the pursuit for the autonomy of his community, taking care of their native seeds and their ancestral agriculture practices. He works with women (Atis) and authorities of various communities on protecting Mother Earth, the thought that cares for life and gives us all food and protection. He learns by listening to the elders and follows the guidance of the Mamos (spiritual guides), who listen to Mother Earth and deliver offerings on the diverse territories. His dream is to share their story so that we all defend Mother Earth, together with the environmental defense, a healthy life and the care of love.

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Samah Hijawi Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:53:18 +0000 Samah Hijawi is a multimedia artist, writer and astrologer. Her projects are deeply rooted in historical narratives which are used to re-imagine our contemporary life beyond the radicalized and polarized discourses that direct our lives today. In her recent project Kitchen. Table., she researches the histories and cosmologies of the food on our tables. She […]

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Samah Hijawi is a multimedia artist, writer and astrologer. Her projects are deeply rooted in historical narratives which are used to re-imagine our contemporary life beyond the radicalized and polarized discourses that direct our lives today. In her recent project Kitchen. Table., she researches the histories and cosmologies of the food on our tables. She recently completed a PhD in Art Practice titled Chicken Scribbles and the Dove that Looks Like a Frog, where she explored deconstructing colonial representations of Palestine through performance and collage. This gave birth to a curated and pedagogical project titled Aesthetics of the Political, that explored how artists materialise their political ideas and positions into aesthetic form. In her past life, she collaborated with Ola El-Khalidi and Diala Khasawneh in directing Makan (2003-2016), an independent space for contemporary art in Amman, Jordan. And together with Shuruq Harb and Toleen Touq she co-curated the platform The River has Two Banks (2012-2017), initiated to address the distances and proximities between Jordan and Palestine. In 2023, she joined DAS Theatre at the Academy of Theatre and Dance, Amsterdam as a tutor.

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Leanne Betasamosake Simpson Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:52:50 +0000 Leanne Betasamosake Simpson is a renowned Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg writer, musician, academic and activist who has been widely recognized as one of the most compelling Indigenous voices of her generation. Her work breaks open the intersections between politics, story and song—bringing audiences into a rich and layered world of sound, light, and sovereign creativity. She […]

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Leanne Betasamosake Simpson is a renowned Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg writer, musician, academic and activist who has been widely recognized as one of the most compelling Indigenous voices of her generation. Her work breaks open the intersections between politics, story and song—bringing audiences into a rich and layered world of sound, light, and sovereign creativity. She is a status member of Alderville First Nation in Ontario, Canada.

Leanne is the author of eight previous books, including As We Have Always Done (2017) and Dancing on Our Turtle’s Back.  Her novel Noopiming: The Cure for White Ladies, which was short-listed for the Dublin Literary Prize and the Governor General’s prize for fiction. Her latest project in collaboration with Robyn Maynard, Rehearsals for Living was short-listed for the Governor Generals prize for non-fiction and is a national bestseller.  Leanne’s album Theory of Ice was shortlisted for the Polaris Prize and she was the recipient of the Prism Prize’s Willie Dunn award for innovation in video production.

Working for two decades as an independent scholar using Nishnaabeg intellectual practices, Leanne has lectured and taught extensively at universities nationally and internationally and has twenty years experience with Indigenous land based education. She holds a PhD from the University of Manitoba.

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Dwasimney Del Carmen Izquierdo Torres Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:53:08 +0000 Dwasimney Del Carmen Izquierdo Torres (2006) is a member of the Kankurwa community of Kwarte Umuke and an assistant for the traditional and spiritual work of Mamo Arwawiku. She is part of the fabric of Iku culture. Dwasimney is enthusiastic to be part of the ever-continuing of histories in both past and future of the […]

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Dwasimney Del Carmen Izquierdo Torres (2006) is a member of the Kankurwa community of Kwarte Umuke and an assistant for the traditional and spiritual work of Mamo Arwawiku. She is part of the fabric of Iku culture. Dwasimney is enthusiastic to be part of the ever-continuing of histories in both past and future of the Iku, who give importance especially to women, as is determined by their ancestors. She is eager to share the deep meaning of weaving, in particular the weaving of tutus, in the hope that we gain an understanding of them.

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Ilga Minjon Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:52:40 +0000 Ilga Minjon (they/them) is a curator, researcher and educator with a focus on public space, ecology, and digital culture. In their work they aim to weave together and facilitate future imaginaries from practices that speculated on the physical senses and (networked) relations, as well as queer, decolonial and feminist re-writings of belonging. At Stroom Den […]

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Ilga Minjon (they/them) is a curator, researcher and educator with a focus on public space, ecology, and digital culture. In their work they aim to weave together and facilitate future imaginaries from practices that speculated on the physical senses and (networked) relations, as well as queer, decolonial and feminist re-writings of belonging.

At Stroom Den Haag they have curated, among others, Attempst to Read the World (Differently): Three Exhibitions in Five Acts, with Max de Waard, Monira al Qadiri and Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Lawrence Lek: Nøtel The Hague , Yvonne Dröge Wendel: To Be To Gather ; and From the Sea to the Clouds to the Soil , a group exhibition mapping kinship relations across time and technologies with Femke Herregraven, Risk Hazekamp, ​​Urok Shirhan, Yeon Sung and Natasha Tontey. They have initiated and curated the Uncertainty Seminars , an ongoing cycle of experimental exchanges, platforming interdisciplinary ways to imagine uncertainty as a cultural strategy.

As a tutor at Design Academy Eindhoven, Ilga is part of a teaching collective conducting a course in contextual studies and design research for the Bachelor program. They are part of a collective Reading Vigil for Palestine , a group of people who gather on Dam square in Amsterdam daily since November 2023, to read about Palestine in public space until a permanent ceasefire. The readings, recorded in full, are broadcast monthly on the Palestinian online radio station, Radio Alhara.


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Seynawiku Izquierdo Torres Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:45:26 +0000 Seynawiku Izquierdo Torres (1987) was born in Donachui in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. In 2004 he moved from the high mountains to Kwarte Umuke, where he began to work as a representative of the Kankurwa community while raising a family. Seynawiku is an apprentice training towards becoming a Mamo, a spiritual guide. […]

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Seynawiku Izquierdo Torres (1987) was born in Donachui in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. In 2004 he moved from the high mountains to Kwarte Umuke, where he began to work as a representative of the Kankurwa community while raising a family. Seynawiku is an apprentice training towards becoming a Mamo, a spiritual guide. In his practice he weaves chinchorros, mantas and more. He always aims to teach younger siblings, or westerners, to ‘root the thinking’, enabling them to give importance to the caring for Mother Earth, something which corresponds to all human beings.

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Natalia Giraldo Jaramillo Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:31:43 +0000 Natalia Giraldo Jaramillo is an anthropologist, researcher and university professor in native philosophies, environmental conflicts and environmental care. Her research delves into the contexts of extractive megaprojects and the armed conflict in Colombia. Currently attached to the legal and socio-legal studies research group of the University of Caldas, she assists in the defence of Decree 1500, […]

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Natalia Giraldo Jaramillo is an anthropologist, researcher and university professor in native philosophies, environmental conflicts and environmental care. Her research delves into the contexts of extractive megaprojects and the armed conflict in Colombia. Currently attached to the legal and socio-legal studies research group of the University of Caldas, she assists in the defence of Decree 1500, a law aimed at protecting the ancestral territory of the four indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia.



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LI Yuchen Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:17:20 +0000 LI Yuchen (1991) is a visual and performance artist from Nanchang, China, currently living and working in Amsterdam. The work of LI Yuchen revolves around migration, diasporic experience, memory and a sense of belonging. She investigates the historical-cultural-political contexts which gear the movements of both humans and our goods, for the stories of both are […]

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LI Yuchen (1991) is a visual and performance artist from Nanchang, China, currently living and working in Amsterdam. The work of LI Yuchen revolves around migration, diasporic experience, memory and a sense of belonging. She investigates the historical-cultural-political contexts which gear the movements of both humans and our goods, for the stories of both are intrinsically intertwined. Her approach is not through macro narratives presented in the media or institutions, but through listening to the micro narratives. By engaging with the personal experiences and the memories they hold, she hopes to come to a more complex and nuanced understanding of realities. Through her visual and oral storytelling in the form of installations, videos and performances, LI aims to comprehend the dynamics when we encounter ‘the other’ and to explore different ways of weaving relations with the world.

In 2013, she graduated from Life Sciences in Xiamen University in China. In 2021, she graduated from ArtEZ University of Arts in Arnhem, Netherlands. Her work has been shown in various art and academic institutions in the Netherlands and abroad, such as Stedelijk Museum, Rijksakademie, CBK Zuidoost Amsterdam, Casco Art Institute Utrecht, Arnhem Museum, Utrecht University, International Institute of Social Studies The Hague, Wageningen University; as well as Beaufort Triennale Belgium, Bonn University, Kassel University Germany, Editorial Colectivo Retos Mexico and UniTierra Manizales Colombia.

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Lauren Alexander Thu, 21 Mar 2024 09:56:38 +0000 Lauren Alexander teaches at both the Bachelor and Master programmes of the Graphic Design department at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK). Lauren Alexander (1983, Pretoria, South Africa, she/her) studied Graphic Design in South Africa before moving to the Netherlands to complete a Master in Design at the Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam and an […]

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Lauren Alexander teaches at both the Bachelor and Master programmes of the Graphic Design department at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK).

Lauren Alexander (1983, Pretoria, South Africa, she/her) studied Graphic Design in South Africa before moving to the Netherlands to complete a Master in Design at the Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam and an MFA at the Dutch Art Institute, Arnhem. Her design research practice and teaching has a strong focus on artistic research using design as a tool for impactful storytelling.

Since 2009, Lauren works extensively with Syrian designer Ghalia Elsrakbi as Foundland Collective. Since 2013 the collective has exhibited work internationally, they were nominated for the Prix de Rome prize (2015), Dutch Design Awards (2016) and are fellows of the Smithsonian Artist Research programme. (2015-2016). At Framer Framed, Foundland participated in the exhibition Voices Outside the Echo Chamber (2016).

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Annelys de Vet Sat, 09 Mar 2024 11:21:14 +0000 Annelys de Vet (1974, NL, she/her) is a Belgium-based designer, researcher, and educator with a practice for long-term, participative design projects that actively engage in social and political struggles. Currently, De Vet is a PhD researcher at ARIA, a practice-led doctoral study at Sint Lucas School of Arts and the University of Antwerp. Her research […]

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Annelys de Vet (1974, NL, she/her) is a Belgium-based designer, researcher, and educator with a practice for long-term, participative design projects that actively engage in social and political struggles.

Currently, De Vet is a PhD researcher at ARIA, a practice-led doctoral study at Sint Lucas School of Arts and the University of Antwerp. Her research focuses on the conditions of design pedagogy to counteract oppression and injustice through design. She teaches in the master’s program in a social-political context at the Sint Lucas School of Arts, and regularly lectures on alternative cartography, critical pedagogy, and relational design practices at various institutions worldwide.

De Vet established the temporary master’s program Disarming Design (2019–2022) at the Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam, dedicated to design practices in situations of oppression at the intersection of design, crafts, politics, pedagogy, community, and activism. She edited Design Dedication (Valiz, 2020), a publication exploring adaptive mentalities in design education informed by heading the MA in Design ‘Think tank for Visual strategies‘ at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam from 2009 to 2019.

De Vet initiated the publishing initiative Subjective Editions, which provides publications mapping countries from the inside out, offering a human perspective. Notable publications in this series include the Subjective Atlas of Amsterdam (2023), Subjective Atlas of Brussels (2018), Subjective Atlas of Colombia (2015), and Subjective Atlas of Palestine (2007).

Additionally, De Vet co-founded Disarming Design from Palestine, a thought-provoking design platform developing artisanal products from Palestine that convey alternative narratives about life under occupation. This initiative started in 2012 in collaboration with Khaled Hourani and the International Academy of Arts Palestine. In 2015 it continued as an independent non-profit organization based in Belgium and Palestine since 2015.

As a total, the body of work explores the role of design in public and political discourse, seeking to develop methods, structures, and tools that empower a pluralist society through design. The different projects explore how design can be a powerful activism and social change tool. The approach encourages critical thinking about the role of design in society, challenging dominant narratives, questioning preconceptions, and prompting discussions about the ethics and responsibilities of designers in addressing complex social and political problems.

Subjective Atlas of Amsterdam

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Chen Jhen Thu, 07 Mar 2024 15:07:21 +0000 Jhen Chen is a designer based in Taiwan and the Netherlands. Chen’s recent works examine the representation of colonial oppression in contemporary society through books and multimedia. She was a participant of the Jan van Eyck Academie from 2018 to 2019. Chen’s publications have won awards such as the ‘De Best Verzorgde Boeken’ and the […]

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Jhen Chen is a designer based in Taiwan and the Netherlands. Chen’s recent works examine the representation of colonial oppression in contemporary society through books and multimedia. She was a participant of the Jan van Eyck Academie from 2018 to 2019. Chen’s publications have won awards such as the ‘De Best Verzorgde Boeken’ and the ‘Golden Butterfly Award’ (Best Book Design in Taiwan) and have been exhibited internationally.

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Nathalie Roos Thu, 07 Mar 2024 12:39:59 +0000 Nathalie Roos is a teacher, researcher, cultural anthropologist, and activist, specialised in artistic activism and activist art pedagogy. Nathalie Roos obtained her teaching qualifications at the Fine Art and Design teacher training course at the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK). She subsequently studied Cultural Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam and completed the interdisciplinary […]

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Nathalie Roos is a teacher, researcher, cultural anthropologist, and activist, specialised in artistic activism and activist art pedagogy.

Nathalie Roos obtained her teaching qualifications at the Fine Art and Design teacher training course at the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK). She subsequently studied Cultural Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam and completed the interdisciplinary master of Education in Arts (AHK). Nathalie worked in a studio for homeless artists, as an educational designer at BAK – basis for art and knowledge, and she set up art educational projects with her EMIC foundation, in which various groups (for example young people and homeless people) worked together on current social issues and contemporary art.

Since 2017, Nathalie has been working as a teacher at the Breitner Academy (AHK) and as a researcher at the Research Group Arts Education (AHK). Currently, she is a PhD candidate in the department of Arts and Culture at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. For her PhD she builds on the outcomes of her previous research Dealing with the real stuff. Design research into interdisciplinary citizenship education through the integration of civic and arts education (Roos, 2020) and focuses on developing a pedagogical approach for student teachers’ arts and social sciences, based on the practices of contemporary activist artists. To do so, in her PhD she explores visions, methods, hopes, dreams, and dilemmas of activist artists and the (artistic) strategies they use to address urgent social issues, through ethnographic fieldwork within activist art practices and literature study. The outcomes of this fieldwork will be translated in the design of an interdisciplinary teacher training program for student teachers in both arts and social sciences (in collaboration with the Amsterdam University of the Arts, the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, and Framer Framed).

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Qais Assali Wed, 06 Mar 2024 14:42:08 +0000 Qais Assali is an interdisciplinary artist/designer born in Palestine in 1987 and raised in the UAE before returning to Palestine in 2000. Assali taught in Visual Communication at Al-Ummah University College, Jerusalem, Michigan State University, MI, and Vanderbilt University, TN. Recently, Assali joined the School of the Museum of Fine Arts’ faculty at Tufts University, […]

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Qais Assali is an interdisciplinary artist/designer born in Palestine in 1987 and raised in the UAE before returning to Palestine in 2000. Assali taught in Visual Communication at Al-Ummah University College, Jerusalem, Michigan State University, MI, and Vanderbilt University, TN. Recently, Assali joined the School of the Museum of Fine Arts’ faculty at Tufts University, Boston, MA. Assali was a 2019-21 Core Fellow at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX.

Assali holds four degrees in visual arts from Palestine and the U.S, a BFA in Graphic Design from An-Najah National University 2009, and a BA in Contemporary Visual Art from the International Academy of Art Palestine 2017. He simultaneously completed an MFA from Bard College, NY 2019, and an MA in Art Education from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL 2018.

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Aisha Mershani Wed, 06 Mar 2024 14:42:01 +0000 Aisha Mershani completed her Ph.D. degree (2015) from the UNESCO program in International Peace, Conflict, and Development Studies at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón de la Plana, Spain. Mershani’s dissertation, entitled Palestinian Civil Resistance: A Case Study of the Popular Struggle Against the Wall from 2002-2013, focused on life in the Occupied West Bank […]

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Aisha Mershani completed her Ph.D. degree (2015) from the UNESCO program in International Peace, Conflict, and Development Studies at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón de la Plana, Spain. Mershani’s dissertation, entitled Palestinian Civil Resistance: A Case Study of the Popular Struggle Against the Wall from 2002-2013, focused on life in the Occupied West Bank since the establishment of the Israeli Apartheid Wall, and the Palestinian popular struggle to nonviolently remain on their lands.

From 2003-2022 Mershani focused her subject on Palestine/Israel and photographed nearly every aspect of life under occupation. These photographs cannot be seen in mainstream media and have been in multiple publications, as well as many Internet news sites over the years, to further the awareness of the ongoing non-violent grassroots movement.

As founder of Project Souarna (our photos) Mershani conducted a photography workshop in 2009 for refugee and displaced Arab youth living in and near al Wehdat refugee camp in Amman, Jordan. The project brought together Palestinian, Iraqi, bidun Kuwaiti, and Sudanese youth with international photographers and artists to create a body of work that expressed the situation of youth living in the region.

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Chiara De Cesari Wed, 06 Mar 2024 14:39:48 +0000 Chiara De Cesari  is Professor of Heritage, Memory and Cultural Studies, and Chair of Cultural Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Having received a BA and MA from the Free University of Berlin and a PhD in socio-cultural anthropology from Stanford University, she has held research and teaching positions at the universities of Cambridge and […]

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Chiara De Cesari  is Professor of Heritage, Memory and Cultural Studies, and Chair of Cultural Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Having received a BA and MA from the Free University of Berlin and a PhD in socio-cultural anthropology from Stanford University, she has held research and teaching positions at the universities of Cambridge and Utrecht, among others. Her wide-ranging research explores how forms of memory, heritage, art, and cultural politics are shifting under conditions of contemporary globalization, (post)coloniality and state transformation.

Committed to transnational and transdisciplinary collaboration, she has been involved in several major international research projects. Currently, she is PI of Imagining Institutions Otherwise: Art, Politics and State Transformation (IMAGINART) and co-PI of the NWA project ‘Pressing Matter: Ownership, Value and the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums‘, as well as a member of the Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Innovation’s ‘Worlding Public Cultures’ network.

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Khaldun Bshara Wed, 06 Mar 2024 14:39:25 +0000 Dr. Khaldun Bshara (Ph.D. in socio-cultural Anthropology) is an architect, restorer, and anthropologist. He is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Birzeit University and serves as a senior advisor for Riwaq Centre, Ramallah, where he has worked since 1994 (and as a director between 2010-2020) in documenting, protecting and restoring built […]

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Dr. Khaldun Bshara (Ph.D. in socio-cultural Anthropology) is an architect, restorer, and anthropologist. He is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Birzeit University and serves as a senior advisor for Riwaq Centre, Ramallah, where he has worked since 1994 (and as a director between 2010-2020) in documenting, protecting and restoring built Palestinian heritage. Bshara received his B.Sc. in Architectural Engineering from Birzeit University (1996) and his MA in the Conservation of Historic Towns and Buildings from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (2000). Interested in space and memory, he joined the University of California, Irvine on a Fulbright Scholarship where he obtained an MA in Anthropology in 2009 and his Ph.D. in 2012. Bshara has been the editor of Riwaq’s Monograph Series on Architectural History in Palestine since 2010. He edited, authored, and co-authored several books and articles.

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Karmel Sabri Tue, 05 Mar 2024 09:54:25 +0000 Karmel Sabri (b. 1995 in Minneapolis, MN) is a socially engaged artist and organiser working primarily with installation, printmaking, public interventions, and parties. She creates environments which foster meaningful discussion and encourage community healing of collective colonial traumas. Sabri explores the concept of celebration as a method of resistance through her organization, Dear Gaza 501(c)(3), […]

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Karmel Sabri (b. 1995 in Minneapolis, MN) is a socially engaged artist and organiser working primarily with installation, printmaking, public interventions, and parties. She creates environments which foster meaningful discussion and encourage community healing of collective colonial traumas.

Sabri explores the concept of celebration as a method of resistance through her organization, Dear Gaza 501(c)(3), which from 2015-2019 curated programing, most notably through an annual block party, which provided a platform for artists to engage in a public celebration of Palestinian culture in a context that was never imagined before. Her programming has been supported by The Walker Art Center, The Minnesota State Arts Board, and the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council. Sabri was selected for the Jerome Early Career Printmakers Residency at Highpoint Center for Printmaking in Minneapolis from 2019-2020.

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Sébastien Hendrickx Mon, 04 Mar 2024 15:09:42 +0000 Sébastien Hendrickx (BE) is a performance artist. Alongside making new versions of his current narrative piece Moddertong (2022-…), he prepares for Palace of Justice, a performative portrait of the Palace of Justice in Brussels. His debut performance The Good Life (2021) was an immersive trip imagining the concept of ‘the good life’ in times of […]

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Sébastien Hendrickx (BE) is a performance artist. Alongside making new versions of his current narrative piece Moddertong (2022-…), he prepares for Palace of Justice, a performative portrait of the Palace of Justice in Brussels. His debut performance The Good Life (2021) was an immersive trip imagining the concept of ‘the good life’ in times of profound ecological mutations.

Over the past fifteen years, Sébastien Hendrickx has been active as a playwright for NTGent, Toneelhuis and KVS, an art critic for different magazines and a teacher at KASK/School of Arts in Ghent. He is currently doing artistic research at KASK on cosmograms, which are objects representing cosmologies or total worldviews. From 2014 to 2022 he was part of the editorial team of the theatre magazine Etcetera. As an activist he was involved with Extinction Rebellion and initiated campaigns Het Burgerparlement on democratic innovation, and More Than Enough on post-growth policies.

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Arjuna Neuman Mon, 26 Feb 2024 12:06:04 +0000 Arjuna Neuman was born on an aeroplane, which is why he has so many passports. He is an artist, filmmaker, and writer and co-founder of Archive of Belonging, a resource database for migrants and refugees. Neuman uses the essay as a multi-perspective and intrinsically future-oriented guiding form that underpins his experimental research and creative approach.

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Arjuna Neuman was born on an aeroplane, which is why he has so many passports. He is an artist, filmmaker, and writer and co-founder of Archive of Belonging, a resource database for migrants and refugees. Neuman uses the essay as a multi-perspective and intrinsically future-oriented guiding form that underpins his experimental research and creative approach.

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Bik Van der Pol Mon, 26 Feb 2024 12:04:07 +0000 Liesbeth Bik and Jos van der Pol are artists who have worked together under the name Bik Van der Pol since 1995. Their practice aims to understand and articulate the ways in which art can create space for speculation and imagination within the public realm. Setting the conditions for encounter, Bik Van der Pol’s working […]

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Liesbeth Bik and Jos van der Pol are artists who have worked together under the name Bik Van der Pol since 1995. Their practice aims to understand and articulate the ways in which art can create space for speculation and imagination within the public realm. Setting the conditions for encounter, Bik Van der Pol’s working process allows for the continuous reconfiguration of place, history and public. Their practice is site-specific and collaborative, and includes publishing, writing, and curatorial work. They see dialogue as a mode of transfer, where the element of ‘passing through’ is vital, as it is temporal and implies action and the development of new forms of discourse. Their practice is both a catalyst and a result of this method.

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Denise Ferreira Da Silva Mon, 26 Feb 2024 12:02:42 +0000 Denise Ferreira da Silva is an artist and philosopher. Her work reflects and speculates on themes crucial to contemporary philosophy, aesthetics, political theory, black thought, feminist thought, and historical materialism. She is the author of Toward a Global Idea of Race (2007) and Unpayable Debt (2022) amongst many other publications.

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Denise Ferreira da Silva is an artist and philosopher. Her work reflects and speculates on themes crucial to contemporary philosophy, aesthetics, political theory, black thought, feminist thought, and historical materialism. She is the author of Toward a Global Idea of Race (2007) and Unpayable Debt (2022) amongst many other publications.

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Citra Sasmita Mon, 26 Feb 2024 12:01:43 +0000 Citra Sasmita is a contemporary artist from Bali. She is a self-taught painter who initially pursued literature at Udayana University and studied physics at Ganesha University of Education. She has been painting for more than a decade. One of her long-term projects, Timur Merah Project: Harbor of Restless Spirits was presented in Garden of Six […]

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Citra Sasmita is a contemporary artist from Bali. She is a self-taught painter who initially pursued literature at Udayana University and studied physics at Ganesha University of Education. She has been painting for more than a decade. One of her long-term projects, Timur Merah Project: Harbor of Restless Spirits was presented in Garden of Six Seasons, Para Site Hong Kong. Notable achievements include winning the Gold Award at UOB Painting of The Year 2017, participation in the 2023 São Paulo Biennial, Brazil, Biennale Yogyakarta in 2019 and her solo show Ode To The Sun, at Yeo Workshop, Gillman Barracks Singapore in 2020.

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Irene Kopelman Mon, 26 Feb 2024 12:00:36 +0000 Irene Kopelman (Argentina) is a visual artist whose practice involves working with complex scientific topics. Her approach to art combines artistic exploration with scientific fieldwork, resulting in a diverse body of work through various collaborations with institutions. She has used artistic production to gain knowledge and understanding about the world around us, combining an interdisciplinary […]

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Irene Kopelman (Argentina) is a visual artist whose practice involves working with complex scientific topics. Her approach to art combines artistic exploration with scientific fieldwork, resulting in a diverse body of work through various collaborations with institutions. She has used artistic production to gain knowledge and understanding about the world around us, combining an interdisciplinary approach and a long-term commitment to environmental issues. In 2002, Kopelman was artist-in-residence at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende in Amsterdam. She has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions. She currently divides her time between Amsterdam, Argentina and the regions where her work and research take her.


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Kyriaki Goni Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:58:43 +0000 Kyriaki Goni’s (Greece) multimedia installations critically and poetically touch upon political, affective and environmental aspects of Big Tech. Listening to the deep past, she explores extractive practices on bodies, landscapes, other forms of intelligence, alternative networks and infrastructures, and possible futures. Her installations seek to connect the local with the (inter)planetary, the fictional with the […]

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Kyriaki Goni’s (Greece) multimedia installations critically and poetically touch upon political, affective and environmental aspects of Big Tech. Listening to the deep past, she explores extractive practices on bodies, landscapes, other forms of intelligence, alternative networks and infrastructures, and possible futures. Her installations seek to connect the local with the (inter)planetary, the fictional with the scientific.

Recent solo shows include The Breeder Gallery, Athens, Blenheim Walk Gallery, Leeds and SixtyEight Art Institute, Copenhagen among others. Goni holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in social and cultural anthropology, as well as in fine and digital arts.

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Nora Severios Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:57:09 +0000 Nora Severios‘ works oscillate between resilience and fragility. Her tendency to create works that express a delicate balance between gravity and suspension, control and taming, demonstrates her curiosity for the process-based act of creation in art. Based in Austria, where her works are part of the Federal Artothek; Severios has been awarded the Mentoring-Program-Kunst alumni […]

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Nora Severios‘ works oscillate between resilience and fragility. Her tendency to create works that express a delicate balance between gravity and suspension, control and taming, demonstrates her curiosity for the process-based act of creation in art.

Based in Austria, where her works are part of the Federal Artothek; Severios has been awarded the Mentoring-Program-Kunst alumni scholarship of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (2022) and the Kunsthalle Wien Prize (2021). She graduated from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, spent a year at ASFA Athens, as well as residences in Beirut and Los Angeles.

Exhibitions include SZIPE’s parallel Exhibition, Shenzhen (2022), Handspells. Kunsthalle Wien Prize (2021), The Use of Landscape en Galeria Posibilă (2021).


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Himali Singh Soin Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:54:59 +0000 Himali Singh Soin is a writer and artist based between London and Delhi. She uses metaphors from outer space and the natural environment to construct imaginary cosmologies of interferences, entangle-ments, deep voids, debris, delays, alien-ation, distance and intimacy. In doing this, she thinks through ecological loss, and the loss of home, seeking shelter somewhere in […]

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Himali Singh Soin is a writer and artist based between London and Delhi. She uses metaphors from outer space and the natural environment to construct imaginary cosmologies of interferences, entangle-ments, deep voids, debris, delays, alien-ation, distance and intimacy. In doing this, she thinks through ecological loss, and the loss of home, seeking shelter somewhere in the radicality of love. Her speculations are performed in audio-visual, immersive environments.

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Edgar Calel Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:54:05 +0000 Edgar Calel (Guatemala) uses various media to explore the complexities of the Indigenous experience, through the lens of Mayan Kaqchikel cosmovision, spirituality, rituals, community practices and beliefs, in juxtaposition with the systematic racism and exclusion faced by Guatemala’s Indigenous people. Notable solo exhibitions include at SculptureCenter, New York (2023) and at Proyectos Ultravioleta, Guatemala City […]

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Edgar Calel (Guatemala) uses various media to explore the complexities of the Indigenous experience, through the lens of Mayan Kaqchikel cosmovision, spirituality, rituals, community practices and beliefs, in juxtaposition with the systematic racism and exclusion faced by Guatemala’s Indigenous people. Notable solo exhibitions include at SculptureCenter, New York (2023) and at Proyectos Ultravioleta, Guatemala City (2021). Additionally, Calel has also participated in numerous international group exhibitions and participated in artistic residencies like the 35th São Paulo Biennial, Brazil (2023); Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool (2023) and the 14th Gwangju Biennial, South Korea (2023). His works are part of the permanent collections of the National Collection of the Netherlands, Hammer Museum, USA, Tate Modern, UK, and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Spain, among others.

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Uriel Orlow Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:53:20 +0000 Uriel Orlow is a Swiss-born artist with a diasporic background, living between Lisbon, London and Zurich. His research-based, process-oriented practice is often in dialogue with other disciplines. Projects engage with residues of colonialism, spatial manifestations of memory, social and ecological justice, blind spots of representation and plants as political actors. His multimedia installations focus on […]

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Uriel Orlow is a Swiss-born artist with a diasporic background, living between Lisbon, London and Zurich. His research-based, process-oriented practice is often in dialogue with other disciplines. Projects engage with residues of colonialism, spatial manifestations of memory, social and ecological justice, blind spots of representation and plants as political actors. His multimedia installations focus on specific locations, micro-histories and forms of haunting. He has exhibited his work at major international survey exhibitions, including the Venice Biennale, Manifesta, and biennials in Berlin, Dakar, Kochi, and more. He is the 2023 recipient of the Swiss Grand Prix for Art/Prix Meret Oppenheim.


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Eliana Otta Mon, 26 Feb 2024 11:52:20 +0000 The Peruvian artist Eliana Otta is currently focusing on what she calls ‘fertilising mourning’: collective mourning as a decolonial and regenerative practice capable of dismantling hierarchical binarisms, like the opposition between life and death. She creates spaces for sharing intimacy, trust and curiosity, often combining pedagogical, curatorial and editorial work. Otta has a master’s degree […]

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The Peruvian artist Eliana Otta is currently focusing on what she calls ‘fertilising mourning’: collective mourning as a decolonial and regenerative practice capable of dismantling hierarchical binarisms, like the opposition between life and death. She creates spaces for sharing intimacy, trust and curiosity, often combining pedagogical, curatorial and editorial work.

Otta has a master’s degree in cultural studies and completed a PhD program at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. She is a former artist-in-residence of Gapado AiR, Capacete and Sommerakademie im Zentrum Paul Klee, among others. She co-founded the artist collective Bisagra in Lima, the ecofeminist collective Mouries in Athens and coordinated the curatorial team that made the permanent exhibition at Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social in Lima.

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Lizzy van Leeuwen Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:26:08 +0000 Lizzy van Leeuwen is a cultural anthropologist who writes for the weekly journal ‘De Groene Amsterdammer‘. Her research focuses on issues such as postcolonial and migrant identity politics, and Dutch-Indo relations in the postcolonial context, while stressing the absence of meaningful debate in the Netherlands with regards to Indonesian (de)colonisation. In this light, she organised […]

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Lizzy van Leeuwen is a cultural anthropologist who writes for the weekly journal ‘De Groene Amsterdammer‘. Her research focuses on issues such as postcolonial and migrant identity politics, and Dutch-Indo relations in the postcolonial context, while stressing the absence of meaningful debate in the Netherlands with regards to Indonesian (de)colonisation. In this light, she organised an investigative project as part of ‘Bringing history home: Postcolonial Identity Politics in the Netherlands’ (2005-2008), initiated by the Royal Dutch Academy for Sciences and the research institute NOW, eventually resulting in the book Ons Indisch Erfgoed: zestig jaar strijd om cultuur en identiteit (2008). Lizzy van Leeuwen is contributor to the book A Well Respected Man or Book of Echoes.

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Fayo Said Thu, 15 Feb 2024 15:29:56 +0000 Fayo Said works at Framer Framed as a digital media producer. In this role, she develops content strategy and creates engaging video, audio and textual content. She is a cultural producer, curator and image maker from the Netherlands by way of Oromia, Ethiopia. In her research and artistic practice, she is interested in Afrodiasporic archives, […]

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Fayo Said works at Framer Framed as a digital media producer. In this role, she develops content strategy and creates engaging video, audio and textual content.

She is a cultural producer, curator and image maker from the Netherlands by way of Oromia, Ethiopia. In her research and artistic practice, she is interested in Afrodiasporic archives, especially in Horn of African contexts. Other research areas explore the perception of Islamic visual arts in Africa.

Through her self-initiated project, Oromia Records, she conducts ongoing artistic research that engages with cultural, historical and artistic materials of the Oromo. Through long-term projects guided by a critical lens, the platform aims to offer a new approach to the study of Oromo cultural heritage within the context of Ethiopia and diaspora.

In 2020, she co-founded the Association for Black Art_ists e.V., a platform that works to support Black artists and archivists in Europe. The organisation has produced numerous projects and artistic experiences in Germany and the Netherlands. From 2022 to 2023, she was a guest fellow at PACT Zollverein, allowing her to gain time and space to further develop her artistic practice.

She has given and moderated talks and workshops about Black Archives and Archiving while Black in various locations including the Internationales Frauen* Film Fest, Institute of Art History of University of Zurich and AfroDiaspora 2.0 e.V.

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Vinca Kruk Wed, 14 Feb 2024 11:52:26 +0000 Vinca Kruk (Leiden, 1980) is a co-founder of Metahaven, an Amsterdam-based artist collective working in filmmaking, writing, and design. Metahaven’s film works include Capture (2022), Chaos Theory (2021), Hometown (2018), Eurasia (Questions on Happiness) (2018), and Information Skies (2016). Their books include PSYOP: An Anthology (2018, co-edited by Karen Archey), Digital Tarkovsky (2018), and Uncorporate Identity (2010, edited with Marina Vishmidt). The Feeling Sonnets (Transitional Object) (2024) is Metahaven’s forthcoming film on poetry […]

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Vinca Kruk (Leiden, 1980) is a co-founder of Metahaven, an Amsterdam-based artist collective working in filmmaking, writing, and design.

Metahaven’s film works include Capture (2022), Chaos Theory (2021), Hometown (2018), Eurasia (Questions on Happiness) (2018), and Information Skies (2016). Their books include PSYOP: An Anthology (2018, co-edited by Karen Archey), Digital Tarkovsky (2018), and Uncorporate Identity (2010, edited with Marina Vishmidt).

The Feeling Sonnets (Transitional Object) (2024) is Metahaven’s forthcoming film on poetry and AI, based on a poetry collection by Eugene OstashevskyMetahaven’s new book, on the future of the beholder’s share in art, is out with Verso in Spring 2025.

Metahaven has presented solo exhibitions at MoMA PS1, New York, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, ICA London, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, Asakusa, Tokyo, Izolyatsia, Kyiv, e-flux, New York, Tick Tack, Antwerp, and State of Concept Athens, among others, as well as participated in group exhibitions at Artists Space, New York, the Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, the Gwangju Biennale, the Sharjah Biennial, the Busan Bienniale, Ghost:2561, Bangkok, and many others.

Metahaven are artistic advisors at Rijksakademie, affiliate researchers at Antikythera, and heads of department at the Master Geo-Design at Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE).

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Paula Albuquerque Wed, 14 Feb 2024 11:50:26 +0000 Paula Albuquerque is an Amsterdam-based Portuguese artist and scholar. She is currently Senior Researcher at Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Assistant Researcher at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the latter in collaboration with EYE Film Museum and the Portuguese Cinematheque. Since 2024, she has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Framer Framed foundation. […]

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Paula Albuquerque is an Amsterdam-based Portuguese artist and scholar. She is currently Senior Researcher at Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Assistant Researcher at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the latter in collaboration with EYE Film Museum and the Portuguese Cinematheque. Since 2024, she has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Framer Framed foundation.

Paula Albuquerque’s practice questions the legitimacy of archives that create social stereotypes, which still haunt the contemporary social fabric. Assembling historical and contemporary moving image and photographic materials, she analyses how they support politics of dispossession and discriminating racialised and gendered representation

For her latest solo exhibition Colonised Landscapes and Spectral Deterritorialised Flora (2024) at Zone2Source in Amsterdam, Albuquerque focuses on the portrayal of the colonised landscape in formerly occupied territories, alongside the role of early film as a form of proto-surveillance in sustaining and perpetuating colonial structures. The material is drawn from the Eye Film Museum archive, including home movies made between 1912 and 1940 in the former East and West Indies, which depicts Dutch settlers’ journeys that shaped how the Netherlands perceived its overseas territories.

As an artist, Paula Albuquerque has had several solo exhibitions to her name, including: galleries Zone2Source (2024); Bradwolff Projects (2023, 2018, 2015), Looiersgracht 60 (2023) and Nieuw Dakota (2020). Her films have been presented at International Film Festivals DocLisboa (2023), Sheffield DOC|Fest (2020) and IFFR Rotterdam (2016).

She presented papers at conferences Media in Transition at MIT; NECSUS Conference; and Visible Evidence. She published the books Enter the Ghost – Haunted Media Ecologies (2020) and The Webcam as an Emerging Cinematic Medium (2018).

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Hans Schamlé Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:29:43 +0000 Hans Schamlé studied Business Economics at Erasmus University, Rotterdam and Political and Social Sciences and Spatial Planning at the University of Amsterdam. He has years of experience as a financial director in both the performing arts and visual arts. He is a fervent advocate of fair practice in the sector for artists and institutions and […]

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Hans Schamlé studied Business Economics at Erasmus University, Rotterdam and Political and Social Sciences and Spatial Planning at the University of Amsterdam. He has years of experience as a financial director in both the performing arts and visual arts. He is a fervent advocate of fair practice in the sector for artists and institutions and co-wrote the ‘Guidelines for Presentation Institutions’, an important document for standardization of governance principles and salary indexation for the Dutch sector of contemporary visual art institutions.

From 2009 to 2018 he was financial director of If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution. Before he worked at VocaalLAB, De Kiss Moves, Dance Unit, Suzy Blok, Dansgroep Krisztina de Chatel, Karin Post and Dries van der Post, Will Spoor, Jeannette van Steen, Leine & Roebana, Karina Holla, Tyatro Festivali, Tango Magia Festival. .

Hans Schamlé was interim director of the DOD (Directie Overleg Dans, de brancheorganisatie voor de dans), the trade organization for dance in 2005-2006. At the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts he was an advisor for the disciplines of dance, mime and theater. Hans Schamlé was chairman of the Cultural Committee of the Amsterdam East District (2013-2018) and active as a board member at Cinedans, Lima, De Zaak Nu and Stichting Het Hem. Since 2023 he is part of the Supervisory Board of Framer Framed in Amsterdam.

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Maja Bekan Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:18:21 +0000 Maja Bekan is a performance and visual artist based in Rotterdam and Den Haag. Bekan’s work explores and questions mediation and delegation of artwork production. The protagonists of Bekan’s work are often women: artists, activists, students, retirees, and people seeking a place for them- selves in difficult circumstances. She is interested in a collaborative and […]

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Maja Bekan is a performance and visual artist based in Rotterdam and Den Haag. Bekans work explores and questions mediation and delegation of artwork production. The protagonists of Bekans work are often women: artists, activists, students, retirees, and people seeking a place for them- selves in difficult circumstances. She is interested in a collaborative and social approach to explore personal histories, truths, economies and social relations. The protagonists of Bekans work are often women: artists, activists, students, retirees, and people seeking a place for themselves in difficult circumstances. Bekan works on long-term research-based projects that involve different levels of collaboration, presented to the public in the form of performances, site-specific environments, and video/audio/text-based installations. She was artist in residence at ISCP New York, Delfina Foundation London, AIR Laboratory (U-jazdowski) Warsaw, IFP Beijing China and AIR Berlin Alexanderplatz. She has exhibited work at Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, Tent, Rotterdam, ISCP New York, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw; Kunsthaus, Graz; Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Melly (former Witte de With) Rotterdam, Casco Art Institute among others.

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Angela Serino Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:16:27 +0000 Angela Serino is a visual art curator, writer, and researcher based in Amsterdam who has worked with artists-in-residencies programs in various roles for more than a decade. She was the curator of Residencies as Learning Environments (International Meeting of Residencies, 2015), and has written about residencies and time for Kunstlicht’s Unpacking Residencies issue (2018) and […]

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Angela Serino is a visual art curator, writer, and researcher based in Amsterdam who has worked with artists-in-residencies programs in various roles for more than a decade. She was the curator of Residencies as Learning Environments (International Meeting of Residencies, 2015), and has written about residencies and time for Kunstlichts Unpacking Residencies issue (2018) and DutchCulture|TransArtistsmagazine Station to Station #4 (2022). She is interested in individual and collective moments of research, self-reflection and learning around feminisms, ecological belonging and permacultures. In 2020 she co-founded ARRC, a collective that studies art residencies with fellow researchers Pau Catà (Barcelona), Morag Iles (Newcastle), Miriam La Rosa (Melbourne) and Patricia Healy Mcmeans (Minneapolis). Angela is an alumna of De Appel’s Curatorial Programme.

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Dina From Egypt Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:13:48 +0000 Dina From Egypt is a lip-synching band that always performs its latest hit. Its model, which is based on a franchise, strives to achieve maximum celebrity status with minimum effort. Its core members are Bea McMahon, Dina Danish and Rumiko Hagiwara, who write the songs. These new recordings were made, arranged and produced at Treignac […]

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Dina From Egypt is a lip-synching band that always performs its latest hit. Its model, which is based on a franchise, strives to achieve maximum celebrity status with minimum effort. Its core members are Bea McMahon, Dina Danish and Rumiko Hagiwara, who write the songs. These new recordings were made, arranged and produced at Treignac Projet in France. The performances are choreographed and lip-synched to the pre-recorded tracks. One of the more recent hits comes with a pop video and artists Deniz Buga and Dennis McNulty came to Treignac for these new productions. Since being founded in 2014, Dina from Egypt has involved many producers and performers, and has appeared at various venues.

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Kathrin Wolkowicz Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:09:21 +0000 Kathrin Wolkowicz’s work ranges from performance, installation, objects and books to film and video, and is usually sparked by texts she writes herself or adapts from others. She constructs time-based or spatial situations that invite us to re-read our relationships with objects and bodies; how we dwell, spend our time and share space with others. […]

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Kathrin Wolkowiczs work ranges from performance, installation, objects and books to film and video, and is usually sparked by texts she writes herself or adapts from others. She constructs time-based or spatial situations that invite us to re-read our relationships with objects and bodies; how we dwell, spend our time and share space with others. A substantial part of Kathrins practice is working collectively, curating exhibitions and self-publishing.

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Alina Lupu Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:05:42 +0000 Alina Lupu was born and raised in Romania and works as a writer and post-conceptual artist in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is a general board member of Platform BK, an organisation that researches the role of art in society and advocates for a better art policy. She is also a student on the Master programme […]

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Alina Lupu was born and raised in Romania and works as a writer and post-conceptual artist in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is a general board member of Platform BK, an organisation that researches the role of art in society and advocates for a better art policy. She is also a student on the Master programme Photography and Society (KABK), and a former research fellow with the Lectorate Art and Spatial Praxis at the Rietveld Academie, where she examined artistsrole within processes of gentrification. Her work has been shown at: IMPAKT.NL, Utrecht; VHDG, Leeuwarden; W139, Amsterdam; Onomatopee, Eindhoven; Hotel Maria Kapel, Hoorn; Drugo More, Rijeka; Rheum Room, Basel; European Lab, Lyon; Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Berlin, and Goethe Institut, Bucharest.

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Manuela Zammit Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:00:57 +0000 Manuela Zammit is a contemporary art historian, critic, and editor based between the Netherlands and Malta. She has recently graduated with a Research Master in Critical Studies in Art & Culture from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her thesis titled “Posthuman Corporealities: Encounters Within and Without the Self” focusses on contemporary artistic engagements with feminist (re)theorisations of […]

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Manuela Zammit is a contemporary art historian, critic, and editor based between the Netherlands and Malta. She has recently graduated with a Research Master in Critical Studies in Art & Culture from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her thesis titled Posthuman Corporealities: Encounters Within and Without the Selffocusses on contemporary artistic engagements with feminist (re)theorisations of the body and subjectivity. She previously completed a MFA in Contemporary Curating at Manchester Metropolitan University and is a regular contributor to the Dutch contemporary art magazine Metropolis M.

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Astrit Ismaili Mon, 05 Feb 2024 13:11:24 +0000 Astrit Ismaili is a performance artist from Kosovo, based in Amsterdam. Their artistic practice features bodies that consist of both imaginary and material realities, using alter egos, body extensions and wearable music instruments to embody different possibilities for becoming. Within their practice, the act of singing is used to explore the role of voice in […]

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Astrit Ismaili is a performance artist from Kosovo, based in Amsterdam. Their artistic practice features bodies that consist of both imaginary and material realities, using alter egos, body extensions and wearable music instruments to embody different possibilities for becoming. Within their practice, the act of singing is used to explore the role of voice in pop culture and identity politics. Astrit Ismaili’s central interest is how bodies are constructed and interpreted through contemporary society, but also how they are heard, asking what it means to sonify a body politic. Exploring the politics of the body and voice, they aim to disrupt prevailing narratives around representation, imagining new and utopian ways of thinking, how bodies inhabit and occupy space.

Astrit Ismaili graduated with an MA DAS Theater from the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam in 2016. They have received grants including the Mondriaan Fund Project Investment Grant in 2019 and the Young Visual Artists Awards in 2011. They have opened with a performance Manifesta 14, Pristina, and Athens Biennale and have shown work at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; SALTS, Birsfelden; Impulstanz, Vienna, among others. They co-organized the performance project Prishtine Mon Amour and co-curated a number of Lost & Found, a series of events where artists, writers, scientists and musicians can introduce hybrid works that do not comfortably sit into galleries or museums.

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Reza Afisina Mon, 05 Feb 2024 12:41:25 +0000 Reza Afisina (also known as Asung) is a new media artist from Jakarta, Indonesia. Reza is part of the artist collective ruangrupa and GudSkul contemporary art ecosystem, as well as the music group bequiet. Together with Iswanto Hartono, they formed an artist duo group with the initials RA.IH and worked to run programs at ruruHaus […]

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Reza Afisina (also known as Asung) is a new media artist from Jakarta, Indonesia. Reza is part of the artist collective ruangrupa and GudSkul contemporary art ecosystem, as well as the music group bequiet. Together with Iswanto Hartono, they formed an artist duo group with the initials RA.IH and worked to run programs at ruruHaus Kassel, Germany (2020-2022) for the 2022 documenta fifteen where ruangrupa, as an artist collective, served as the Artistic Director. Reza has served as a guest lecturer at the University of Kassel Germany (Dept of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape), Kassel College of Art Germany (Dept of Art and Theory),

University of Fine Arts Hamburg (Dept of Art and Theory) and the Uniarts Helsinki (Theater Academy). Reza has also served as part of the Kyoto Experiment Japan Advisory team. Starting from the beginning of 2014, Reza will undertake his artistic research scholarship program at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam.

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Cempaka aka Marishka Soekarna Mon, 05 Feb 2024 12:37:41 +0000 Cempaka is Marishka Soekarna, a mother, visual artist and music selector from Indonesia. Cempaka is also part of a duo music selecta, Iramamama, whose collections includes Indonesian gems from 50s to 70s, Asia’s quirkies to the western post-punk music. With Iramamama, Cempaka participated in ‘Southern Constellation: Poetic of the Non-Aligned’, Slovenia (2019). She also performed […]

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Cempaka is Marishka Soekarna, a mother, visual artist and music selector from Indonesia. Cempaka is also part of a duo music selecta, Iramamama, whose collections includes Indonesian gems from 50s to 70s, Asia’s quirkies to the western post-punk music. With Iramamama, Cempaka participated in ‘Southern Constellation: Poetic of the Non-Aligned’, Slovenia (2019). She also performed at the Korean Pavilion – Venice Biennale, Italy (2019) and the Autostrada Biennale, Kosovo (2021). In addition, Cempaka conducted a series or radio show called “Elternabend” with Kassel’s independent radio collective, Radio Rasclat, Germany (2021).

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Mercedes Azpilicueta Mon, 05 Feb 2024 12:35:39 +0000 Mercedes Azpilicueta is a visual and performance artist from Buenos Aires living and working in Amsterdam. Her artistic practice brings together various characters from the past and the present, who manifest as voices, shapes, texts, traces, and memories into her multi-layered works. Calling herself a “dishonest researcher,” Azpilicueta navigates through multiple references and fields of […]

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Mercedes Azpilicueta is a visual and performance artist from Buenos Aires living and working in Amsterdam. Her artistic practice brings together various characters from the past and the present, who manifest as voices, shapes, texts, traces, and memories into her multi-layered works. Calling herself a “dishonest researcher,” Azpilicueta navigates through multiple references and fields of knowledge, from art history to popular music, literature to street culture, falling in love with dissident figures and trajectories — feminist, queer, migrant, exiled individuals — who haunt her scripts, performances and videos. However, her work never indulges into cold reverence or archival fascination. By engaging the body with all its flaws and potentials — her own body, that of her muses and collaborators, that of the spectators, but also fantasised ones — Azpilicueta embraces its fragility as well as its capacity for resistance and care.

She was an artist in residence at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam in 2015-16, and received the Pernod Ricard Fellowship in 2017. Solo exhibitions include Kunstverein Göttingen (2023); Sammlung Philara, Düsseldorf (2022); Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz (2022); Gasworks, London (2021); CAC Brétigny, Brétigny-sur-Orge (2021); Museion, Bolzano/Bozen (2020); Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (2019); CentroCentro, Madrid (2019); Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires (2018); and Móvil, Buenos Aires (2015). Her work has been featured at Seoul Museum of Art (2023); Fries Museum, Leeuwarden (2023); the Hannah Ryggen Triennale at Kunsthall Trondheim (2022); MAXXI Museum, Rome (2021); Busan Biennale (2020); Villa Vassilieff, Paris; REDCAT Gallery, Los Angeles; MACBA, Barcelona (all 2018); CA2M, Móstoles (2017); and the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2014). Azpilicueta was nominated for the Prix de Rome 2021.

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Sara Giannini Thu, 01 Feb 2024 12:47:43 +0000 Sara Giannini is a curator, writer and educator based in Amsterdam. After studying theatre and semiotics in Italy, her birth country, she grew an interest in the interplays between language and performativity as tools of critical fabulations within different artistic practices. This somehow led her to contemporary art and to becoming a curator who rarely […]

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Sara Giannini is a curator, writer and educator based in Amsterdam. After studying theatre and semiotics in Italy, her birth country, she grew an interest in the interplays between language and performativity as tools of critical fabulations within different artistic practices. This somehow led her to contemporary art and to becoming a curator who rarely makes exhibitions. Since 2019 she is program curator with the arts organisation If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want to Be Part of Your Revolution, Amsterdam, where she develops art and research commissions exploring the expansive field of performance and performativity.

Prior to her engagement with If I Can’t Dance, she worked for the Global Art and the Museum programme at the ZKM | Karlsruhe on a range of editorial and curatorial projects investigating the impact of globalization on the art world (2010–2013). As an independent curator, she has initiated long-term collaborative projects such as the VOLUME project (2013-14), a collective inquiry on the library led with 98weeks, Beirut, the web-publishing platform Unfold (since 2015), and Heterotropics (2018-19), a series of interventions on the traces of colonial history in the urban and cultural fabric of Amsterdam.

As a Fellow at the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (2016-17), Sara Giannini worked on aphasic language and scoring in relation to the archive(s) of René Daniëls. In 2018 she was a Curator in Residence at the Bard College Centre for Curatorial Studies (NY), where she has done research on the relationship between ecstasy, hysteria and non-identity. With artist Jacopo Miliani, she co-authored Whispering Catastrophe. On the Language of Men Loving Men in Japan (SelfPleasurePublishing, Milan, 2018) and with If I Can’t Dance she published Maquillage as Meditation: Carmelo and the Undead ( 2021), a script of an absent event evoking the (not very benevolent) spirit of Italian actor, director and writer Carmelo Bene.

Sara held teaching positions at the Dutch Art Institute, KABK in The Hague, Das Arts, SNDO and Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam. As a relatively new mother, she has become more and more interested in the questions posed by (the labour of) invisible performances. If life allows, one day she wishes to turn this interest into a research project titled Performances Not To Be Seen (courtesy Jeanette Ingberman & Exit Art, NYC).

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Leyla Sünnenwold Wed, 31 Jan 2024 14:36:30 +0000 Leyla Sünnenwold is an Artistic Researcher who loves to give creative workshops – usually in an art education context and working with young people. Her own practice revolves around methodologies like zine making and performance art. Especially within her academic work as part of the Art and Performance Research Studies Master at the University of […]

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Leyla Sünnenwold is an Artistic Researcher who loves to give creative workshops – usually in an art education context and working with young people. Her own practice revolves around methodologies like zine making and performance art. Especially within her academic work as part of the Art and Performance Research Studies Master at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), she focuses on the potential of performance art as part of outreach programs in museum spaces. This master also sparked Leyla’s enthusiasm for archives and the question of how an ephemeral culture can and should be preserved. As a queer person herself who has lived in Amsterdam for a year and a half now, she wants to give back to the queer community the love and creativity she found, by facilitating a community session on archiving queer personal stories and thereby giving an impulse to preserve the collective knowledge and experiences of what it means to be a queer person today.

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Joram Kraaijeveld Fri, 26 Jan 2024 08:34:45 +0000 Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Joram Kraaijeveld is producent, curator, docent en schrijver en zet zich als zodanig in voor de positie van de kunstenaar en de […]

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Joram Kraaijeveld is producent, curator, docent en schrijver en zet zich als zodanig in voor de positie van de kunstenaar en de waarde van de kunsten voor de samenleving. Hij werkt aan actieve vormen van solidariteit binnen en buiten de kunsten. Hij was betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van de Arbeidsmarktagenda voor de Culturele en Creatieve Sector 2021-2024, de richtlijn kunstenaarshonoraria en de Fair Practice Code. Namens Platform BK schreef hij samen met Bart Stuart het onderzoeksrapport Geen Stad Zonder Kunst over verschillende vormen van beheer van atelierpanden in Nederland.

Joram doceert kunsttheorie aan de Gerrit Rietveld Academie, waar hij ook voorzitter is van de Redactieraad voor Intercurriculaire Programma’s. Hij werkte als curator voor onder meer SMBA, Van Abbemuseum, De Brakke Grond & Museum Dr. Guislain, Schloss Ringenberg en Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Zijn artikelen zijn gepubliceerd in o.a. Metropolis M, Boekman en Kunstlicht. Hij is voorzitter van vereniging Platform BK, commissielid van de CAWA en lid van wooncoöperatie Het Nieuwe Bajesdorp.

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Muhammad al-Kashef Wed, 24 Jan 2024 13:37:50 +0000 Muhammad al-Kashef is a Berlin-based human rights lawyer, consultant researcher and advocate with a focus on migration control and border security. He is a co-founder of the Refugees’ Solidarity Movement in Alexandria, Egypt. Later, he founded the In-Exile initiative in Berlin and became a member of the migrants’ network We’ll Come United. As a member […]

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Muhammad al-Kashef is a Berlin-based human rights lawyer, consultant researcher and advocate with a focus on migration control and border security. He is a co-founder of the Refugees’ Solidarity Movement in Alexandria, Egypt. Later, he founded the In-Exile initiative in Berlin and became a member of the migrants’ network We’ll Come United. As a member of the online mapping platform Watch the Med, al-Kashef monitors trajectories of irregular migration from North African countries through the Mediterranean Sea. Al-Kashef has worked alongside refugees and migrants in host communities, detention places and reception centres, as a researcher and legal consultant with a focus on community organising and capacity building. He is also a co-founder and active member of the Abolish FronteX network.

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Saja Amro Thu, 11 Jan 2024 15:53:33 +0000 Saja Amro is an architect, educator, and designer based between The Netherlands and Palestine. Her work investigates the influence of spatial design on social dynamics in education. In her practice, she disrupts traditional classroom structures, aiming to rebuild them on the principles of radical pedagogy. As a tutor at the Architecture Department of the Gerrit […]

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Saja Amro is an architect, educator, and designer based between The Netherlands and Palestine. Her work investigates the influence of spatial design on social dynamics in education. In her practice, she disrupts traditional classroom structures, aiming to rebuild them on the principles of radical pedagogy. As a tutor at the Architecture Department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Saja uses the classroom as a place to collaborate with her students and reimagine spaces inspired by popular education methodologies, and roots of indigenous cultures.

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Jesse Greulich Wed, 10 Jan 2024 10:48:45 +0000 Jesse Greulich is an object designer and educator based in The Hague. Her work is derived from the value of objects as facilitators of learning, and how they can be used as tools for empowerment within the learning environment. She has a strongly rooted sense of creating connections, drawing inspiration from natural elements. These connections […]

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Jesse Greulich is an object designer and educator based in The Hague. Her work is derived from the value of objects as facilitators of learning, and how they can be used as tools for empowerment within the learning environment. She has a strongly rooted sense of creating connections, drawing inspiration from natural elements. These connections often come to life through objects, tools and the human interaction with these.

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Cherella Gessel Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:39:40 +0000 Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Cherella Gessel, ook wel Chella Chella, is multidisciplinair artiest en model. Hen combineeert zowel teksttoneel als fysiek spel – in theater én […]

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Cherella Gessel, ook wel Chella Chella, is multidisciplinair artiest en model. Hen combineeert zowel teksttoneel als fysiek spel – in theater én film – met dans, rap, Spoken Word, modellenwerk, styling, haarstyling en make-up.

Cherella creëert altijd vanuit hun eigen referentiekader en persoonlijke onderwerpen en interesses. Zo was YONIVERSE – “Een theatraal hiphopconcert voor Black, Queer Bitches” – een solo waarin die op zoek ging naar healing van trauma’s door toedoen van de maatschappij en conflicten in hunzelf. Healing is een onderwerp wat hen aan het hart gaat en zoveel mogelijk terug laat komen in diens werk. In 2020 kreeg die een honourable mention voor hun deelname met YONIVERSE aan Fringe Festival en in 2021 ontving die zowel de 3 Package Deal als de Amsterdamprijs voor de Kunst, in de categorie Stimuleringsprijs.

In 2014 begon die hun carrière als acteur, waarbij die ontdekte dat theater de cohesie zou worden van alle disciplines bij elkaar. Vanuit hun eigen referentiekader begon die met het maken van losse scenes en performances en werd o.a. daarmee onderdeel van verschillende theater- en dansvoorstellingen. Bij o.a. platformen als DansLAB (Studio West), Jeugdtheaterschool Zuid-Oost (Bijlmerparktheater), DOX, Likeminds – The Factory, Talentlab (Bijlmerparktheater), de internationale Ballroom Scene, verschillende dansstudio’s/- docenten, L’École des Sables en Theatre Hotel Courage heeft hen veel kennis opgedaan als makende speler, regisseur, schrijver, spoken word artiest, experimentele danser, fysieke acteur en meer.

Verder was Cherella onder andere te zijn bij Maas Theater & Dans, Toneelmakerij, AYA, IDFA, Fashionweek Amsterdam & Parijs, KAF Almere, Frascati Producties, in verschillende (online) magazines en blogs, fashion- en muziekvideo’s, films, nationale en internationale fashion campagnes, tv- commercials, billboards en abri’s, in musea, exposities, theaters en poppodia in het hele land.

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Natalia Papaeva Wed, 13 Dec 2023 11:26:55 +0000 Natalia Papaeva (1989) is a visual/performance artist, born and raised in Buryatia (Eastern Siberia). Since 2013, she has lived, studied and worked in the Netherlands. Natalia Papaeva uses her memories and experiences informed by her Buryat-Mongolian background. From this material she creates her performances, in which she combines singing, spoken word, and storytelling. The artworks […]

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Natalia Papaeva (1989) is a visual/performance artist, born and raised in Buryatia (Eastern Siberia). Since 2013, she has lived, studied and worked in the Netherlands. Natalia Papaeva uses her memories and experiences informed by her Buryat-Mongolian background. From this material she creates her performances, in which she combines singing, spoken word, and storytelling. The artworks raise poetic questions about major themes such as loss and mourning, language and identity, land and climate, ritual and healing, in a sometimes playful, sometimes serious manner.

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Mirelle van Tulder Mon, 11 Dec 2023 10:08:16 +0000 Mirelle van Tulder holds an MA in Fine Art and Design from Werkplaats Typografie (2021-2023) in Arnhem. She was a Research Associate at the Research Center for Material Culture, Wereldmuseum (2021-2023). Mirelle has worked as an image researcher for MacGuffin Magazine from 2019-2023. Her practice delves into the colonial archive, seeing its complexity not only […]

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Mirelle van Tulder holds an MA in Fine Art and Design from Werkplaats Typografie (2021-2023) in Arnhem. She was a Research Associate at the Research Center for Material Culture, Wereldmuseum (2021-2023). Mirelle has worked as an image researcher for MacGuffin Magazine from 2019-2023.

Her practice delves into the colonial archive, seeing its complexity not only as an incredibly vast collection of objects and documents, but also understanding its position concerning personal history. She combines the use of the archived material and its historical position, determined by displacement, with its poetic performativity as a prompt to point to the historical record of the many colonised areas in the Global South. As Mirelle’s research expands and evolves, her work stands as a testament to her commitment to uncovering hidden histories and fostering dialogue around the power structures that shape graphic design, art history and society as a whole.

In 2022, she founded the magazine and publishing house Roots to Fruits, that explores the intersections between music, archives, and resistance. Roots to Fruits has been included in Printed Matter’s New York Art Book Fair (2022), Offprint London (2023), and the Melbourne Art Book Fair (2023).

In 2023 Mirelle van Tulder became the new Atelier KITLV-Framer Framed Artist in Residence. Artists in residence work on urgent topics at the intersection of art and culture, academic research, and scholarship in the field of Southeast Asian and/or Caribbean Studies, and in relation to (post)colonial theory and discourse.

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Agata Guńka Tue, 05 Dec 2023 12:49:09 +0000 Agata Guńka is a passionate mushroom picker of various interests with roots in Eastern Europe, studying Urban Studies but trying to discover how to break away from her social sciences academic background. She has done work related to food, feminist mutual aid as well as collaborative living spaces and their limitations. Aga is one half […]

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Agata Guńka is a passionate mushroom picker of various interests with roots in Eastern Europe, studying Urban Studies but trying to discover how to break away from her social sciences academic background. She has done work related to food, feminist mutual aid as well as collaborative living spaces and their limitations.

Aga is one half of the Co/Living: Points of Entry project, together with yourfriendkas. Kas and Aga have decided to collaborate on their project through their shared interest in collective living.

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